in meditation - I saw a sculpture - it was in the middle of a - TopicsExpress


in meditation - I saw a sculpture - it was in the middle of a urban square - with buildings of various heights all around it - with layer upon layer of balconies, windows, staircases, etc - all looking down at the sculpture from different angles and perspectives. The sculpture itself was constantly in motion - it was a mix between a sphere and the Parthenon - it had columns around outside and gaps in the walls and floors and top so onlookers could see in from various angles - inside there were layers and layers of moving interlocking pieces - like a mix between 3-d chess and a Rubix Cube - but it was art - the pieces were paintings and sculptures and objects - at any given moment while looking at it from a given angle - one might see nothing but a jumble of passing pieces - but then all of a sudden, many of the pieces and the layers would align and youd see a moment, a glimpse of something that looked like a coherent work of art - clear and coherent and a great work of art in its own right - but then it would fade back into chaos as the pieces continued to move - the result being, if there were 20 people looking from 20 different perspectives around the courtyard - on various balconies and from different windows - none would see the same work of art - and someone who stood in the same spot a week later - wouldnt see what you see standing in that spot today. Also, you could visit the piece twenty times over the next twenty years - and somehow it would be such a complex composite of layered and moving pieces, and such a complex construction and algorithm of movement, that youd never see the same piece twice. Thats what i saw in mediation - clear as my computer in front of me now. I wish I could build it, but words will probably be the best form I can give it in this lifetime.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 08:41:41 +0000

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