in retrospect it was only a matter of time before the murders in - TopicsExpress


in retrospect it was only a matter of time before the murders in Isla Vista happened. As the authoritarian nihilists of the right grow ever more explicit in their hatred of anything feminine that does not submit to them. They complain about the oppression of men, the feminazis, and the failings of modern Western women. They ratchet up the rhetorical symbolic violence that has long characterized them. Ann Coulter and Jim Buchanan no longer shock because the poison they spew has become common place. Because they are losing they create an atmosphere of violent rhetoric, symbolic violence, and toleration of the intolerable pushing defective souls into violence. They are like Southern gentlemen who pretend to a civility that lasts only until they are challenged, after which comes the iron fist. Until the false masculinity of the open carry people, the traditional values advocates of female service and subordination people, the she brought it on herself people are completely repudiated this violence will continue. The threat of it is the final foundation for their power, and for the threat to be real a culture based on it must be able to tip some over into acting on it. Like lynching. It need not be imposed from above. it is more insidious than that. It need only be able to tip the worst of us into action. The attitude this man expressed, and even his actions, are common enough in feminine hating cultures whenever a woman acts from a position of personal power and integrity, as India and Afghanistan prove over and over . We are in a struggle for the soul of America.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 18:19:15 +0000

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