in stay woke news.... the govt has approved a new commercial - TopicsExpress


in stay woke news.... the govt has approved a new commercial potato for retail and fast foods that is of course a GMO. their reasoning is the new potato contains less of the chemical acrylamide which is found in starchy foods and has been said to raise the risk for cancer. there have been no studies done to find out how much acrylamide in the diet puts you at risk, but its similar to a chemical found in cigarette smoke so that was the rationale. what they arent saying though is these new potatoes also no longer bruise or sprout. apparently americans are so turned off by bruised food that grocers are requesting genetic motifications to make them more firm. also, they are including anti-sprouting agents in more and more fruit and vegetables right before our eyes at alarming rates and nobody seems to notice. potatoes were one of the last crops left that you could grow at home from store-brought produce. now if you attempt to grow peppers, tomatoes, peaches, cherries, apples, lemons, etc at home your seeds will not sprout. even if they do, most of them are gm hybrids so its unlikely youll even get the same thing. this is an attempt to inevitably make us reliant on big farm. as these genetically modified seeds become more rampant we will see heirloom fruits and vegetables go completely extinct, while were forced to eat modified made in lab lifeless food. so, if youve bothered to read all this once again i encourage you to eat organic food, support your local farmer and if you can, grow some shit. its so important to keep the tradition of seed keeping going. peace. nytimes/2014/11/08/business/genetically-modified-potato-from-simplot-approved-by-usda.html
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:39:38 +0000

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