inbox Hi private post please. I went on holiday and came back to a - TopicsExpress


inbox Hi private post please. I went on holiday and came back to a interim interdict saying I cant leave Scotland. I split from my husband in October after domestic violence and him cheating and staying out and not providing for my daughter he was also in a visa so I contacted ukba October November and December and January he also forced me to write a letter to them to support his application but right away I informed them if this. Anyway he has never ever shown a interest in my daughter. I went in holiday for 4 weeks the first two was with my mum and get Freind and my daughter there was no contact happening anyway. He said I stayed there a couple of days them moved into a mans apartment which is complete lies I have no reason to lie on hear I also have my mum an Freind as witness I got a back payment of income support while there so I booked a extra week in one hotel then a week in a other hotel his replays to court are complete lies I have a letter from assist saying that there has been domestic violence and they should consider this before they give him contact with my daughter his visa ran out November and most people are saying he married me for thIs but anyway he now has his girlfriend who I found him cheating with saying she has been his Freind for the last year and that I would call him asking him to hi and see me and my daughter and that she doesnt see why if there was domestic violence why u would do that yes this was true but only when we where together would call him to see when he was coming home as he would stay out for days he was not to get legal aid but my lawyer suggested the court cost be on me and this oping I was shocked but she must have a reason anyway I spent some time in womans aid and I have asked social work to stay involved as there is a risk from him they dont come out but can provide reports so the court has asked for a bar report any idea on what this is other thing is that I took photos on holiday and I know he will have them but I can swear I did not met anyone and nice in with then this can all be confirmed has anyone eles had a bar report and what hsppends he has been told buy court no contact till one is done and thats 3 months away he is also saying that he has had regular contact with his daughter which is again lies he has seen her about 3 times since we split after him tracking me down j could but express how nasty this guy is but at same time very manipulative. He also told court the reason he cant pay for his daughter is because he could not work because I stopped him which again is lies he worked as a taxi driver and a interpreter which I can prove can anyone give advice I really dont want him using my daughter she is age 2 and a very happy girl If he gets access to get he will get to stay in uk if not he will get deported thanks in advance Naomi x
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:09:58 +0000

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