#insert 15 Me and Noni looked at each other. The room suddenly - TopicsExpress


#insert 15 Me and Noni looked at each other. The room suddenly became cold and my body became hot. I was now dizzy......and the everything became dark. I opened my eyes. I saw Noni. I was in a different room now. Ndixhakaxhaka zi machines. What was happening? My throat was dry. Me: water (I whispered) Noni: ohk dear. She went away and then came back with a jug of water and a glass. She poured me the water. I drank.. Me: zi machines ezithen ezi zingaka kum? Why am I in this room?? Noni: awukhumbuli kwanto? Me: what do you mean? Noni: the Naledi scenario? it all came back. Everything ! I wish I hadnt remembered a thing, at least life wouldve been better or why didnt I just die?? God is so unfair. Me: I remember, so why am I here Noni: the doctor said u have depression, so you had a setback. Me: At this point in time my health is the least of my worries..so how is Naledi? Noni: Shes okay Me: Noni maarn uyayaz ndibuza nton, kwaye kwenzekanton? Is she still with Loot? Noni: unfortunately yes shes still with him and fortunately for you I managed to cover for you. Me: what do you mean you managed to cover for me? Noni: what happened is that, after you had this setback, we called the doctor kwabe ku busy. Ngok ku busy ndabe mna ndipheka iqhinga. When Naledi came back I was sitting on the chairs in the waiting room. She asked what were u guys talking about? I said excuse me! she asked When and why did Loot beat Amanda? I answered last year when Amy was still carrying Siya she asked why would Loot beat her I saiddo u still remember that huge contract we got at work last year? She answered yes, why? I said Well Amanda was supposed to correct and finalise some things before that meeting. So there was only 30minutes left, people were panicking cause uAmanda wayengabuyi ne feedback. Loot went to check on her in her office, xa efika ulele uAmanda akakaqali nenye. Loot was so angry, he woke her up babanalo argument and he ended up slapping her on the face. She then askedif thats the case, then why would u guys say hell beat her again. Wayenomsindo moss ngokuya uyatsho nawe I said kalok mna bendisith after they discharge her she must go back to work I miss her and then she said shes too weak for that, I begged her and then watsho ke uba akafun ubethwa ngu Loot again cause angazibona sele elele instead of working Noni: Hahaha and guess what? She bought my story. She was feeling bad shame Me: yoh! Youre a genius ngendixakene nento mna. Thanks Nonz Noni: You owe me. Me: haibo Noni: ewe, Lunch everyday xa ubuyele emsebenzini Me: hahaa whatever The visiting hours were now over so Noni had to leave :( It was now the following day. Naledi, Loot and Ande :/ entered. Naledi: hey you, unjan? Me: getting there and you? Naledi: were all okay, I hope. Loot: werent they supposed to discharge you today? Ande: She had a setback. Naledi: and its all my fault Loot: what do you mean? Naledi: I overheard Amy telling Noni that youd beat her up again and I jumped to conclusions. Ande and Loot looked at each other. Ande: What conclusions? Naledi cleared her throat Naledi: I dont know I just thought Loot__ Loot interrupted her Loot: Naledi ndicela ungandiqheli, what conclusions are you talking about? Ndakhe ndakubetha lento uzocingela ezonto ngam? Loot was now fuming. Naledi was now shaking, shame poor thing. Naledi: I, I di- didnt mean it like that Luthando Im so sorry. Ande: Loot masambe mfethu I wanna show u something. Loot: mxm They walked out Me: are you okay? Naledi: uhm I have to go She left. My phone rang it was Siya. Me: hey Him: ukwesiphi isibhedlele? Me: St Dominics, why? He hung up. Loot and Ande entered the room. Ande: wheres Naledi? Me: She left. Loot: why? Me: I dont know, she just said she had to leave. Ande: uhm I have to go guys. Loot: sure mfethu. Ill call you. Ande: cool He left. Me: uhm Loot, I think Siya is on his way Loot: what for? Jonga Amanda dont test me. Me: Haibo Luthando its not like I asked the guy to come. Loot: uzothin kengok a__ Siya: hello guys me and Loot at each other. Siya was with his wife. Me: uhm hi Siya, how did you guys know that Im in this ward. Siba: we asked the receptionist duh!!! (She rolled her eyes) Loot: how can we help you? Siya: Dude! We came to see Amanda here, not you. Loot: Amanda is my girlfriend so I have every right to know. Siya: yes shes your girlfriend, not your wife so stop controlling her. Loot: andiva? Loot went closer to Siya. Siya didnt move backwards. Their chests bumped. Siba: guys please stop it kusesibhedlele apha. Loot: Hambani apha, we dont need you here. Siya: why do u want us to leave? What are you hiding? Loot: Kuthen ingathi uyaqhela nje. Phumakim bra. Siya: Amy is the mother of my child I have every right to be here. Loot: Siya is my baby girl. I raised her kalok wena wawulibele kum baleka. Ulibele yile nkunzi yakho yomfazi. Me: please guys stop it. Siba how are you? Siba: mxm! We only came here to take Siyas child. Siya: Yes I want a full custody of my daughter. Loot: over my dead body. Siba: Youre an unfit mother Amanda. We can prove that in court. You dating an abusive married man. Abantwana baph ke kulontlalo. Me: you guys cant take my baby girl away from me. (I sniffed) Siba: well see about that. Kunzima.......... #Mandy
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:49:00 +0000

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