insert 31 Yemadoda masingeneni! Sasukuma Sangena ngaphakathi!! - TopicsExpress


insert 31 Yemadoda masingeneni! Sasukuma Sangena ngaphakathi!! Everyone was Talking andiva naka kuhle! Ha.a Zoool is Taking over! Bathe Bengeka gqibi uthetha we went out and Chilled n our spot!! Sithe sisahleli a Hot short chubby chick Came!! Aybo ngubani Na loo... We were soo excited, ibingu Mavinqi.. Siya Gcwala iskeem!! We Welcomed her..siphapha everyone would look at those studs!! Aloku everyone looked butchy...! Asanda ebengulowo whos short but Tom-boyish! Then Anele I, myself was fooled that she was a Lesbian, so omnye umntu yena angathin!? She was all stud!! Then ibe ndim, we did know ilaphu lethu!! Besihleli pha..mosi Mavinqi joined us!! Soo sazama uku Crosser u Anele so that we will be able to plan her birthday!! Sambaleka samshiya ku Lanty!! Sayo planner then we called her, sadibana naye sekez Qumbisile!! Samhleka and went back to our Spot! Beku ngekho kwanto eyenziwayo shame beku mathile aphe skolweni!! Anele oko ethule but okungathi akasiva! Waqhamka sekethi! Anele: Hey bafetsu inhle laway ibisbizela e Meetingin! Then time ndingani boni bendi hleli nabo, Bras Id go homo anyday for that chick, Ill come out for her! Samhleka u still high?? Anele: No bafetsu Im serious, Ayas hamboy Checka Laway ngaphakathi..!! Ndasukuma ndayomkhangela.. And I saw her, ndajika ndaphinda kwabanye..!! Me: Supper Bra.. Go try her Out please...!! Anele: Im sorry bra But Ill never!! Asanda: Let me Go Call her.. !! Me: Ha.a masiyeni sonke simlande khona engazuba na Chance yokuSjonga and conclude while esiza! Soo akazubanakwa chance xasim wola sonke, engasay hleki uMavinqi! Mavinqi: Your approuchin techniques are wack trust me! Sasukuma and and went there, Asanda walked in and Called Her Out, nyan weza But ehamba netshom Yakhe, bengasakhulumi ngathi bazalwa NguMsholozi, we Took them sahamba Nabo!! Asanda: Im Asanda, this is Ayanda, Mavinqi/Yoleka, Anele! And you guys?? The tall hot chick answerd! She looked soo cute!! Her: Im Lihle and this is my friend Nobuhle! Sajika sajongana Anele mHmmmm :p satsho Sonke, lol Anele was Soo serious akahleka tuu.. Eshe Userious na u girl!! Sahleka futh..!! Lihle and her friend we like confused Uba sibabizeleni apha..!! Me: Lihle hun, Do you smoke? Her: Nope, me: Wish to? Her: No thank You! Then that makes you and Anele, lets Leave you Guys and Talk about why dont you like smoking! Satsala u Nobuhle sahamba Naye!! I wonder Uzothini u Anele nkosi, she has To make this one Right though! Sancokola with Nobuhle she was friendly shame nd yena she liked Zool.. But only on herbal muffins, usazofa lomntu! I called Micky Because I wanted her to be here for Aneles birthday tomorrow! Phone Rang>> her: bby hi, me: hey Nana, ndiku khumbule kengoku? Her: Ha.a bby andvumi, mna ndifuna ukuza kuwe uPhi? Me: Skolweni khwela uze, her: ok nana! Me: phathe Mpahla ul sleep over! Her: Eish my Dad though but Ill make a Plan love you Tshomi, Wahleka! Me: Tsek ndikthanda nam bby girl Peto, her: Sundqhela Ayanda! Ndamhleka we DRopped! @list nam andizo bhoreka iyeza I Micky yam!! Soo now we had to convince Nobuhle that she brings u Lihle ngomso! Besine pRoblem ye venue, but our plan was to gate Crash any Res and Use a Room there...!! That was No problem though!! Nobuhle promced us and we took her number, we will call her!! Micky uye wafika and all was Covered. It was Now the 16th of January 2014 and my friend Anele is 19 today, holololo.. Ziyasha! We didnt have much money but we had money yokuzonwabela thina, and no cake ke asikho kulonto, I Cake uzoyitya kowabo shame! We bought WEED,2 bottles of VODKA,30 cigarettes Case ye beer, Siders sangena ngendlela yethu mos Vele, seqa ingcingo! Anele ebese Town eyo dibana with her mom, because vele its her birthday and she has to have some Prezzys from mommy! So that was our chance to prepare for everything, we called Nobuhle! Her: Ouk we coming! Its Phulo Room 2e2 neh! Bafika ke nyani as Promised but Nobuhle couldnt stay long, soo she left, we kept u Lihle Componied engazuba Lost mavinqi nd Micky oko bemncokolisa, and izolo bathethe kakuhle with Anele but aka Vumang! Atlist uvumile ukuza apha thats something! Soo Anele called me: Chap yizan e Gatin noba nguwe nd Anele, sasukuma Saya kuye, we Met e Million gate! Anele: Chaps I have Cash lets go buy Beers! Me: Cool asiyeni! We Bought snacks, she wanted her Cake, so Sayithenga, 2 full chicken Galitos, Rolls songeza I Beers and Ciders....!! Sangena Endlelen Yethu with the booze!!! Anele: Sizo selelaph?? Me: Relax khona Indlu endiy lungisile bendith sizo Tshayela kuyo...! Anele: Cool sure ke Buda, sahleka! She was Excited shame, safika E Phulo.. No no u Kiddin Right! 2E2 like manyan?? Me: U bet buddy,!! Sangena EveryOne screamed.... SUPRIZE!!! Sacula u HaPPy birthday!! Yooh shame she was Emotional, ebengay Lindelanga Yonke Lento!! HeR: Guys Im speechless.. A Tear escaped Her Eye, All my life Ive never felt soo much appriciated by friends, we Screamed naye wakhwaza!! She Hugged me, wa Hugger naye wonke umntu!! She had to Hug lihle.. Sakhwaza Sonke...!! Yeeeeyeh!! Engave seke excited betuna! At the Time, besisela Ngok umntu ebambe I dumpy yakhe, utywala bugcwele kwi vasKom! Micky was sitting on my lap.. Holding I Dumpy ye Hunters Gold!! Mna bendi bussy Shubbings... And we Smoked sonke...and Drank!! Sithe xasesi drunk.. Anele wabiza U Lihle baphuma phandle...! Soo bebethe chuu behamba besiya ngase Balcon, Anele: So lento esthethe ngayo izolo sizo thini?? Lihle: yaz all my life Ive never been in an Enviroment with lesbians nd yonke lento is new to me, not that ngith Im uncormfotble or something! But anginokwaz ukuthandana nawe, atleast not now, because angaz noba nenza ini njani you see, and I have a Boyfriend ngase khaya, we Are aukey, and I dont like cheating, rather we just remain friends, I like you a lot, but I wouldnt like my BF cheatn on me Aswell..!! Anele: Wheres your boyfriend again? Lihle: In durban Emlazi! Anele: Where are You?? Lihle looked confused! Her: Mtata, Anele: where am I? Her: here next to me, Good Anele: How far are your lips from mine? Lihle waginya Amathe, Her: Not far, verry close! Anele Pulled her Closer, their lips met! Anele: And now how close are they now? Lihle: Ahhh Anele... Waphefumlela phezulu, they are Clos, uthe engekal gqibi ne Gama, and they kissed! After few seconds they broke the Kiss, Anele: I am Serous ngawe! Lihle Smiled! Whos not gay?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 07:03:37 +0000

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