#insert8 Mama left the watering and got in the house,I looked at - TopicsExpress


#insert8 Mama left the watering and got in the house,I looked at Nano and followed her,I know mama n how she reacts about boys.I went to my room to change and wrap my towel thn went to run a bath so long,jus as I was about to go to the bathroom my phone rang Yes it was him*video call* Him:sthandwa sam Me:hey Him:so a u goin to bath or u jus got done Me:no I am goin to bath Him:can I join u? Me:if u can Him:haha u know its impossible,y ddnt u tell me u had an older sis? Me:no I dont Him:was that the female version of Bruce Lee u told me about?ur mom? Me:yes Him:she looks young Me:haha I know hey Him:babe go and bath,look how messed up u are Me:lol u so wish Him:Im jus jokin Me:ok sharp neh Him:presh uya thandwa neh I ddnt answer him I jus hanged up,I went to bath while I was thnking about him and what to do,I actually decided to give him a chance to prove himself n see where it leads us,while I was still imagining us together as the best couple ever....mama walked in pulling a serious face,my smile faded away Mama:sesi we have to talk Me:about?? Mama:u know,its not that I dont want u to have a boyfriend or anythng for that matter all I have to say is u big now n u have to make ur own decisions so nna all I can say is jus be carefull I dont want my angel to be hurt by a boy neh Me:ok mama I get it Mama:so how long have u guys been together Me:well we are not together yet,we jus friends but he said he loves me and I havent told him how I feel yet,I jus wanna test his patience Mama:ohk seems like u know a lot hey,and gis age? Me:he is 23 Mama:and he has a car?is he a mamas boy? Me:iyhooo too much info I said that while wrapping my towel n goin to my room with mom following me Mama:so can I see ur new phone? I showed her the phone n she was impressed Mama:tell him that should he hurt you he will see the ugly side of me Me:I told him that u the female version of bruce lee,can u believe that he doesnt believe that u my mom Mama:well hed better believe that Im his hot mom in law,nana please play safe n use protection whenever u decide to sleep wth the boy I dont want u to end up being a teen mom Wth a baby of a run away dad,just promise me Me:I promise mama We hugged n she left •••Well thats a first••• #Lapreshy
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:55:07 +0000

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