insidious killer lurking in your home Speaking of the mortal - TopicsExpress


insidious killer lurking in your home Speaking of the mortal danger, we usually imagine something like a hurricane, tornado or sharks with their monstrous sharp teeth. More people are likely to die at the hands of robbers broke into his house or some madman running around with a knife in the street. But in fact mortal danger is much closer than we think. We are much less likely to die from an accident or at the hands of terrorists than being slowly killed by the familiar and seemingly harmless things that we use every day. Here, for example, 12 home killers: Phthalic acid esters contained in perfumes and toilet water. Studies have found that this substance can lead to disturbances in the development of male babies. A suitable combination of cleaning agents (for example, containing bleach and ammonia) can result in the release of toxic gas. This gas poisoning can be fatal. On average, about 450 people are killed each year, falling out of bed. If the house was built before 1980, on its walls may remain white lead. While this remains the paint on the wall, do not worry it does not. But as soon as her pieces of peel and fall into the lungs, they can be very toxic. Most houseplants are harmless, but there are also toxic specimens is particularly dangerous for young children. Sunscreen contains chemical filters that can harm pregnant women and lead to a breach of her child. Substance called paraben contained in shampoos and lotions, are also found in cancerous tumors. Over a little speck of mold, maybe we should not worry especially. But if the mold continues to grow, it may become the cause of allergic reactions, asthma attacks, problems with the central nervous system, and even cancer. In the hair dye contains a chemical called toluene, which the researchers associated with the development of blood cancer. Each year, an average of 340 people die in the bathroom, slipping. In deodorants contained chemical triclosan, which can disrupt the endocrine system and the muscles. We are not in any way do not want to say that you have to throw out of his house all household chemicals and cosmetics. Of course, sunscreen saves your skin from cancer. We just want you to be aware of the associated risks with these things and be careful.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:44:26 +0000

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