#inspiring essay: 5 Tools To Help Re-Boot Your Happiness WhenYou - TopicsExpress


#inspiring essay: 5 Tools To Help Re-Boot Your Happiness WhenYou Feel a Lack of Faith! I believe the purpose of your life is to find and do the purpose of your life – your truest passions. For me it’s writing self-help books and coaching people to live their happiest lives. For others it’s creating new technology, designing various products, learning medicine — and at least one person was put on this planet to invent that little plastic doohickey which holds up the pizza box. I recognize there can be many zig zags and bumps in the road on your path to create your ideal life. But far too often it’s not outside circumstances which delay many of us – or even stop us – but our own pesky internal beliefs. I want to make sure that you are not getting in your own way of joy – by telling yourself what I call “(B)lame Excuses.” For example, right now you might be telling yourself you’re too old, too young, too broke, too busy, too exhausted, too inexperienced, too Insert-Your-(B)lame-Excuse-Here. If so, let me tell you about a guy named Colonel Harland Sanders. When the Colonel first tried to sell his chicken recipe he was 65 years old — with only a small pension — a tiny bit of money in the bank — and an old Caddie roadster. His first plan was to sell his chicken recipe to restaurant owners, who’d give him a residual for every chicken piece sold — a nickle per chicken. He knocked on the first restaurateur’s door, and was greeted by a NOPE. Second door: NOPE. Third door: NOPE. In fact his first 1008 sales calls all served up a NOPE. Still, the Colonel continued to call on owners, as he traveled across the USA, sleeping in his Caddie to save money. It wasn’t until prospect number 1009 that the Colonel received his first YES. Then, after two years of making daily sales he had only signed up a total of five restaurants. Still the Colonel kept knocking on doors, staying passionately focused in the belief that his golden fried chicken would create a big pile of gold. Finally by 1963 the Colonel procured 600 restaurants across the country to sell his Kentucky Fried Chicken! In 1964 he was bought out by a multi-millionaire — who made The Colonel a multi-millionaire himself. I love this story – because it’s an “against all odds” tale. The Colonel was a senior citizen, with no money, entering a new field – and yet he succeeded! How? He knew how to reboot his happiness after failure – instead of re-fueling his fears, insecurities and (b)lame excuses. Robert Louis Stevenson said it well when he said: “To know what you prefer, instead of humbly saying amen to what the world tells you that you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.” I want to help you keep your soul alive so you can live your happiest life! Click to read 5 “Quickie Happiness Reboot Tips!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:26:17 +0000

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