intelligent comments below to counter this lying racist POS - TopicsExpress


intelligent comments below to counter this lying racist POS supremacist in the photo, but this is my favorite, indicative of the fallaciously based whining victimhood from the arabs & leftie terrorists. ----Steve Lieblich - so what caused the PLO to seek Israels destruction and murder Jews travelling around the world in the 1960s? There were no settlements then... And what caused th Hajj Amin al-Husseini to incite riots and pogroms against Jews in Jaffa and throughout Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s? There wasnt even a state of Israel then...----- Danny Ayalon- Yet another example of the institutional bias the UN has against Israel: Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated that it isnt Hamas and their rockets, or Fatah and their constant stone-throwing and Molotov-cocktail attacks, that are the source of the problems in Israel. Rather, “Israeli settlement-related activities and settler violence are at the core of many of the violations of human rights in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.” You and 148 others like this. Merilee Shaw - Israel is a light unto the world and continues to give and give for the betterment of humanity. This tiny country! It never ceases to amaze me, no matter how it is unfairly treated! Peter Thornely- over educated retard her country if its India is on the right path there country look up to for human rights or is because she is a idiot,Israel pull out of the UN,watch the world crap itself when you do just saying, wont be long before Russia pulls out Daniel Gustafsson -I blame UN for the problems in West Bank including East Jerusalem , by supporting terrorism and hatred towards Israel instead of trying change mind of the Palestinians . Its about time that UN start put some preassure on arabstates where the problems with human rights are shocking יהורם מרגולין -The UN does not accept the fact that the Jewish people survived the Holocaust and returned to his native to Israel, the Promised Land, the land of Israel. Stuart Caplan- Shes lost the plot and forgot to take her medication. Mark Rosenbaum- She is a schmuck Alfredo Raphael Hay Dawan -As long as the UN continue condemning Israel unjustly the problem in the ME will get worse and worse Akiva Romero -This Indian????????????????????????????? - Aslan Moses -United nations, we all know how corrupt they are .US should cut their funding. Then watch them behave themselves !! And change their tune .Bunch of wankers !!!!! Paula Aviva Stern-Bussell -Gosh, at this point, lets just start blaming Israel for spoiled milk, every wild fire in CA, mud slides in Asia. Etc. David Bryan -he/she/its on crack. Moses David אף מטריה See Translation Anchal Ace Samuel -guys dont jump to quick conclusions about India or Christians. I am an Indian Christian and we are friends of Israel. Instead of targeting her ethnicity target her hateful and wrong ideas. Betty Kirkland -This is ridiculous and so unjust. - Howard Sculnick- She is such an idiot. Marcelo Carrera- UN lost its purpose to exist and shouldnt be believed as representing the opinion of all countries. They have personal interest to attack Israel as well as in silencing while terrible things happen in Syria, Africa and other parts of the world. I believe we should ignore them, however, be prepared to defend Israel of its enemies without counting with any external help. Because if something happen Europe and even the friend US will do nothing to help. Hugh Carol Hamp- The only problem with the UN is we support people like this woman with our tax dollars. They are biased and anti Israel. Time to withdraw our financial support from the UN. When the pay cheques stop, people like her will stop too. No money, no jobs for idiotic UN employees. Gal Haliva- אולי אם תתחיל לכתוב בסינית ממש מנדרינית או סינית יאן תרגיש יותר יהודי כי כל העולם מחר ידבר רק סינית שפה עם מסורת חוץ מזה נשברות לך השיניים תגוון See Translation Abraham Geu Kuol -There is UN also in Israel? Genevieve Crabe- Another example of a well-known tactic: blame the victim. Evi Goldstein - UN. ...King David Established Jerusalem the city of David 3000 years before Mohamed invented Islam ...I am Israel ...they call me Palestine my people was in the land 3000 some years ..1948 you divide jerusalem East West cleanse my people from the land ... Jerusalem .... 3000 years of our people lived on our land 19 years Jerusalem Judea and Samara was under Jordan control ....BH in 1967 the Israeli Defense Forces deliberated Jerusalem from the occupiers ..... I have one land and one homeland ...Come back where I belong and we never be up routed .. Am Yisrael Chai .... Michelle Kahen Delrahim- The UN is a crock of you know what. It should be called UNAI...United Nations Against Israel. Their microscope is only honing in on israel looking for any pathetic excuse to condemn the only real democracy in the middle east where women, minorities amd people of other religions are equal. They turn a blind eye to the serious human rights issues happening in this world....Syria, Sudan, Iran and the list goes on and on....And they just tend to focus on a country who chooses to build houses!!!!!! Blatant anti semitism..... The attention given to this country is disproportionate John P Center -useless anti semitic nations Andrea Okon -Maybe Israel should stop funding some UN suborganizations as most of their charity goes to areas away from Israel: the UN employees pockets. It does not help Israel, niether the world and they still bully us. Canada has already get rid of some. Amy Goldstein Cohen- such bullshit.. Julene Pritchett -We need to free our shores from this organization - let them go to some deserted island. Their sole purpose is to extort countries, not seek peace. John Spencer Cohen- Did you really expect anything else from the UN ans especially from its Human rights High Commissioner. Gadaffi was appointed chairman of the UN Human rights committee. If I wrote what I thought of Navi Pillay (shes probably a Muslim) Id be called a racist. Hannington Nyeko -Navi Pillays comment demonstrates the standard of a third world dictator. Lynne Tania Wener- Such bullshit. The idiot u.n. will blame Israel for anything but heaven forbid they point a finger at all the REAL atrocities committed in all the arab countries. BASTARDS!! Tami Zohar -While they (leaders of the world) try to keep #IsraelHate live the people have moved on. Enjoy the following m.cnsnews/.../gallup-israel-s-favorable-rating... Philip Lewis -Well Navi Pillay showcased the racist airline Emirates to promote - Kick Racism out of Football Rose Sherrell SO What> IF G-D BE FOR ISRAEL?? פלס תרגום ותמלול, FLS TRANSLATIONS -The Referendum has to be done there, like at Crimea. Any compliance to UN will be vetted by Russian Federation. Ralph Haglund- England and France won over the Ottomans and dictated everything about the MIddle East, Like making it an internationqal law that the Palestine Mandate should be the JEWISH homeland, extablished by NF and UN and never changed,. Israel won the wars the same way 1967 and 1973 and decide the same way! Their earlier occupier decided they should control the Palestine Mandate while they gave 200 times as much land to arabs. That England as mandate power during 25 years made the enormous mistake of letting arabs stream in, against the mandate rules with no control is on their account. Remember what Churchll said about the enormous stream in as the land could feed more and more thanx to the Jewish development. Remember there were MORE Jewish refugees from the Arab world than the arab refugees the other way Abbas wants Israel to take care of both refugee streams.......t. Zvi Lando -Here is some of the current Human rights beacons of the world that make up this illustrious group of nations on the HR council: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) United Arab Emirates South Africa Sierra Leone Saudi Arabia Pakistan Morocco Maldives Kuwait Indonesia Gabon Cuba Cote d’Ivoire Congo Algeria Alon Smolarski -The U.N. ? Are you referring to this totally biased, morally corrupt and grotesquely inefficient organization ? The sole purpose of it is to repeatedly condemn the state of Israel... Nobody gives a rats ass about their resolutions anyway.... Israel Gotay -What a joke. Cal Schans- there isnt an occupation . there never has been a Palestine nation , never been a Palestine capital , never been a Palestine president or king . Marc Michael Bransten -Such an ugly person with ugly thoughts. Who gives a dam ... Pauline Spitz-Herbach -Another person who has never been able to deal with the real facts. I love this East Jerusalem business. There is no divided city. Its one set of freeways, one commuter mass transit system. As far as Judea and Samaria, when you legally buy the land and build on it thats Land Development. There is nothing stopping the Abbas government from buying land and developing new land and by the way redeveloping existing cities and broadening their economy. It would be nice if the UN woke up and actually went to these places to see what they are without making these statements that reflect some long ago period of time. Jeremy Adam Walt- United Nations of America ! David W. Lincoln -More cause to do away with that experiment. Avroham Nissan Ben Aharon- Who cares what they say just BUILD BUILD BUILD and we will have peace through strength ....You can not make someone love you ,but you can make them fear you...THATS ALL ISRAELS ENEMIES UNDERSTAND. Aliza Ben Simhon -Deceived by their own ignorance !! Geoffrey Bernstein -What universe is she living in? Bronco Howie -Shes high ! Avner Ebriani -As stupid as her face! Steve Lieblich - so what caused the PLO to seek Israels destruction and murder Jews travelling around the world in the 1960s? There were no settlements then... And what caused th Hajj Amin al-Husseini to incite riots and pogroms against Jews in Jaffa and throughout Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s? There wasnt even a state of Israel then...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:27:54 +0000

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