ireport.cnn/docs/DOC-1078467 Reducing Black on Black crime - TopicsExpress


ireport.cnn/docs/DOC-1078467 Reducing Black on Black crime requires improving the quality of life in the Black community. The quality of life and living conditions in the Black community have regressed as opposed to improved because typically Black leaders and lawyers serve every other community but the Black community. This is why it is so important to strengthen and keep traditional Black family structures, i.e., Father and Mother (marriage) and siblings intact, to increase the likelihood of survival of the entire family. It requires lawful gainful employment and not the designed and doomed for failure never enough to survive by worthless welfare benefits or other government taxpayer financed to keep a traditional family structure together. Designed and doomed for failure never enough to survive by worthless welfare benefits or other government taxpayer financed bull-crap benefits government administrators, sellout Black elected officials and lawyers, unethical social workers and probation officers, unethical foster care for profit business entities , and not the Black community. youtube/watch?v=cCul2D8bog8 YouTube: “Black People Have Become too Ignorant for Me to Claim, I Need to Invent a New Race” uploaded by Stacey Gear, Jul 18, 2010 U.S. born descendants of slavery have been and continue to be displaced in jobs that require citizenship or legal status by foreign nationals and the anchor babies of Black illegal aliens with the blessing of a treasonous Black leadership. It is certain that Hispanic illegal aliens from Mexico, El Salvador, etc., etc., are just following the lead of the many Black illegal aliens who preceded them, in taking over communities formerly and presently predominated by U.S. born descendants of slavery. This is why it is so important that our own elected Black leaders, lawyers, business persons, and the Black community itself place value in U.S. citizenship and legal immigration status because as it stands President Barack Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus and/or other individuals step up to the plate to serve illegal immigrants, AKA...foreign nationals and his or her anchor babies, which is sending U.S. born descendants of slavery to the gallows! ceyseauinc/CourtsEnforceBlackCodes.html outskirtspress/bookstore/9780988450707.html outskirtspress/bookstore/9780988450714.html ireport.cnn/docs/DOC-1074208 CNN I-Report: LA City Council President 10th District Councilman Herb Wesson is a lying hypocrite who has contempt for long standing law abiding taxpaying residents in the 10th Council District, his district! by TheTruth53, January 11, 2014 youtube/watch?v=fbvFE-T1njI&feature=c4-overview&list=UUJ4t6E6kDQD0mZLI00JdTvw YouTube:“Elected Black Leaders Trash the Essence of what it Means to be an Elected Official” by mll1127 ireport.cnn/docs/DOC-155551 ireport.cnn/docs/DOC-1068103 CNN i-Report: “Corruption in the LA County Sheriff’s Department also includes corrupt court officials in the Inglewood& Culver City Courts all while elected Black Leaders, Judges & Lawyers Remain Silent or Become Co-conspirators in the Oppression of U.S. born Blacks!” by TheTruth53 Since President Barack Obama, and all other elected Black leaders have held or continue to hold policy making positions, there are more: 1. Black men and women unemployed than ever. 2. U.S. born Black families separated, single parent, no parents, children in foster care than ever. 3. Homeless Black men, women, and children. 4. U.S. born Black men, women, and children in poverty. 5. Illegal aliens from around the world taking over the Black community. 6. Illegal aliens from around the world who have displaced U.S. born Black men and women in the job market. 7. Black men and women on welfare, collecting unemployment benefits and/or receiving Food Stamps. 8. Black men and women incarcerated or Black children in foster care, or fending for themselves living on the streets. 9. Atrocities of government targeting U.S. born Blacks, because Black elected officials and lawyers do not serve the Black community. ireport.cnn/docs/DOC-1069341 10. atrocities of government directed against innocent Black men, women, and children all while President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, other elected Black leaders at the State, County, and City jurisdictions of government play games of deceit, remain silent, make excuses to do nothing, take sides with the perpetrators to further oppress U.S. born descendants of slavery. newsmax/Newsfront/obama-blacks-war-on-poverty-johnson/2014/01/08/id/545866#ixzz2pp0kRt1j Race Gap: Blacks Fall Further Behind Under Obama by Jenifer G. Hickey ireport.cnn/docs/DOC-973514 CNN I-Report: It would not be surprising in the least to find that 2nd District LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas is remaining silent because the criminal and unethical administrators/employees of Teen Happy Homes are his friends! by TheTruth53 youtube/watch?v=RLGTw_1PpaU YouTube: Diane Watson - Race Baiting Political Whore TheWatchdog youtube/watch?v=k-QKFWwz-8k&list=UUJ4t6E6kDQD0mZLI00JdTvw&feature=c4-overview YouTube: More Likely Treason, Incompetence and Greed by Other Blacks Keep Blacks Down and not White Supremacy by mll1127 There are just too many Black elected officials, judges, lawyers, etc. etc., who have the influence and position to competently represent Black men, women, and/or children...... ....but who instead do just the opposite for any truthful and rational person to place all blame for the many injustices targeting U.S. born descendants of slavery on Fox News reports, White Supremacy, the Republican Party, Reaganomics, former President George Bush, Tea Party advocates, Rush Limbaugh. Unfortunately, President Barack Obama, Justice Clarence Thomas, multiple members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and/or other elected Black leaders at the State, County, and/or City jurisdictions of government have contempt for the Constitution, the Oath of Office, and the Rule of Law, serve themselves, personal friends, and millions of illegal aliens/foreign nationals before competently representing U.S. citizens, U.S. born descendants of slavery being inclusive, and legal immigrants. CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE 20, MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS, Section 3: Members of the Legislature, and all public officials and employees, executive, legislative and judicial …shall, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation: I ,__________________________________do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties that I am about to enter.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 22:18:45 +0000

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