is a genus of evergreen plants decoreted with leaves which also - TopicsExpress


is a genus of evergreen plants decoreted with leaves which also blooms. As interior plant, Cordyline can grow up to 0,5 meter hight, but under natural condition can reach up to 3 meters. It is native to tropical southeastern Asia, Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, northeastern Australia, the Indian Ocean and parts of Polynesia. It can also be found in New Zealand and Hawaii, but the plant was introduced to both by Polynesian settlers. Can you imagine Hawaiian hula skirts? This clothing is namely made of the Cordyline leaves. And how to grow this colorful plant? The plant does well in partial shade (green varieties) to nearly full sun (colorful varieties - because of the coloration of foliage). Cordyline needs more water if grown in a place with full sun and during growing season. Remember, although it can survive in quite low light, the foliage will never develop its full potential colors. This rule applies to other species of interior plants with colorful leaves. In summer and during growing season, do not allow the soil to dry out between waterings. It will also need misting to keep the leaf tips from drying out and turning brown. Mist frequently, especially in an air conditioned room, or, better yet, use a humidifier to keep the air around the plant humid. You can position the pot on a bed of gravel and water. But the best way is growing the plant in a greenhouse or enclosed flower window. The plant will also need regularly feeding. During winter the plant doesnt need to much water - the soil can be dried out a bit between waterings. In this period keep the plant in a bit lower temperature, but it should not be less than 13oC. When your plant will grow up and will loose its shape, you can prune it. Thats good for its bushy appearance. In the same way, you can take a chance and propagate the plant. For better growing, place in a pot at least 2 rooted plants, but the 3 and more are better. And almost I forgot, Cordyline is very close to Dracaena: #flowers #plants #kvety #rastliny #flora #zahradkar #interiorplants
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:09:12 +0000

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