...is still celebrating the dead... and the Living/dying. Im - TopicsExpress


...is still celebrating the dead... and the Living/dying. Im listening to my former band Unit 7 Drain, remembering Halloween 07 when our long time producer Quincy had suddenly been diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer. I went to the hospital to see him and while I was there, in only about 30 min, several other people came to visit him. He began crying and said I cant believe Youve all come to see me. His friend responded This is what happens when You are a good person, Youve touched people, we care about You. We played a benefit show for him a few weeks later. He died New Years Eve right around midnight... He was in his mid 50s. Flash forward to last night.... The Day of the Dead, a holiday celebrated here in New Mexico on Nov 1st, Im downtown singing a song about my friend Jessie, who committed suicide last year. Despite being unable to help Her in this Life, Im still celebrating Her brief 21 years of existence using music. My heart is also with a friend of mine that is battling an addiction, an addiction so strong that he now stands on an exit ramp of the highway begging for money with a little cardboard sign. YEAH. Do You ever see those homeless folks begging? Well... one of them was like a brother to me for many years. So thats been hard. But I still have what WE had... our friendship. I pray for him. It has been like watching a slow suicide. Ive felt helpless. Like watching a terminal illness. Im reminded of when Unit 7 Drain played that benefit show for our producer Quincy, I just listened to the recording of that show, after the first song, our guitar player/singer, who was very good friends with him, said Quincy is like a father to this band. And he is a genius... so far into his own insanely complex head that he doesnt even know that hes a genius and so he has no egotism associated with being a genius which so many of them do. And Im so sorry that hes sick and I will do everything I can for him, including this show. I appreciate all of You being here tonight and thank You for having us. This next song is called Looming Thread.... And then we played a song about death/destruction and kicked ass doing it! I have the recording to prove it... And the memory to celebrate. ❤️❤️❤️
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:31:56 +0000

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