is your baby ready for solids? In recent years, the American - TopicsExpress


is your baby ready for solids? In recent years, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has revised their recommendation to suggest that babies should be breastfed exclusively from birth until six months. In fact, Dr. Alan Greene states that babies could be exclusively breastfed much longer if they are receiving enough Vitamin D and Iron (which is usually not the case due to dietary preferences and limited exposure to sunlight). Introducing Solids to BabyDr. Greene recommends waiting to introduce solids until baby is at least four months old. Up until then, baby’s digestive system simply can’t handle anything besides breast milk and formula (plus, all the critical nutrients they need are being provided). By introducing solids, you can help support your baby’s diet with the complex nutrients and flavor profiles of real, wholesome, and preferably organic, foods. Babies benefit from exposure to new flavors and textures that solid foods provide. To ease the transition, ideally you’ll be breastfeeding when your baby starts solid foods, if that’s an option for you. As you introduce the first solids to your baby, there are a few foods you will want to avoid. You should avoid honey and raw dairy completely until at least one year due to the potential exposure to botulism spores. Raw and undercooked fish or raw eggs should also be avoided. Since choking hazards are also a concern at this age, start with thin purees and move up to thicker and chunkier textures as baby progresses. Stay away from foods that are hard or large in size such as popcorn or grapes. Vegetables larger than a pea can get stuck in your baby’s throat. Dr. Greene strongly encourages parents to look at their baby, not a calendar, to determine if their child is ready to move on from breast milk or formula.So when will you know when it’s time to start introducing solids to your baby? Dr. Greene strongly encourages parents to look at their baby, not a calendar, to determine if their child is ready to move on from breast milk or formula. To help decipher the signs, here are some developmental milestones from four to six months to know when to start introducing solids to your baby: •Baby is able to sit up or start to sit up •Baby should be able to coordinate all the muscles involved in swallowing •Baby shows interest in eating through body language. Some examples include leaning forward to look at you when you are taking a bite, and fussing or wriggling when they see you eating •Baby seems hungry even after they have had enough breast milk or formula. Often times this is after they reach 13 lbs, or double their birth weight (between four and six months old) • Color vision becomes strong. You may notice that baby begins to stare at what you’re eating — colorful food is key at this stage! When you determine that it’s the right time to introduce solids to your baby, remember what Dr. Greene has said about your baby’s future eating habits: “At four months they stare at what people eat and they remember it. They are more likely to eat it if they’ve seen their parents eat it just once.” You can be the role model for your baby’s nutritional intelligence.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 09:24:01 +0000

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