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   Inline image 1 Inline image 2 · Monday, July 22, 2013 12:23 PM Bottom of Form TOP NEWSNATIONWORLDSTATESCITIESBUSINESSCRICKETSPORTENTERTAINMENTMAGAZINE Home > Education > Edex A lowdown on supply chain management By Shilpa Vasudevan - CHENNAI 22nd July 2013 12:00 AM Supply Chain Management (SCM) cuts horizontally across the business world, which traditionally has been organised into manufacturing, finance, marketing and logistics. SCM helps streamline business operations, increase operational efficiencies, cut costs, boost customer service and improve profits. And all this has contributed to it becoming a critical function to compete in the global economy today. Found in 1915, Institute for Supply Management, USA, is pegged as the first such institute for SCM. Edex caught up with Megha Rastogi, director, education and training — ISM India on SCM and its prospects. “We design and deliver executive management development programmes and professional certifications in SCM space. They help upgrade your skills and knowledge for career development and advancement. We hope organisations can leverage the competitive advantage of their workforce through our offerings,” says Rastogi. Flagship offering One of ISM’s flagship course is Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM), offered on behalf of ISM-USA. “This certification provides all supply chain professionals the opportunity to maximise their resume. ISM-India administers the online CPSM exams at 12 centres here. In addition, we have also entered into agreement with a few business schools to lead SCM profession,” says Rastogi. Career prospects Though a relatively new specialty, SCM has quickly gained popularity and prominence in the business world. “This is largely due to widespread awareness that effective supply chain managers can directly impact the profitability of a company in a positive way. In today’s competitive marketplace, companies need to do everything they can to gain an edge over their rivals and SCM has become the most popular means to this end,” says Rastogi. SCM-related jobs are available in the sectors of planning, procurement, manufacturing and logistics. You can choose to become supply chain manager, procurement/sourcing expert, fleet manager, logistics analysts, warehouse operations manager, facilities manager and business analyst. Student testimonial With over 25 years of experience in global procurement and SCM, KBS Srinivas, vice president-supply chain, Jubilant Oil and Gas, Noida, felt the need to go for a professional certification despite being a qualified engineer. “With my experience, I thought it was going to be a cakewalk. No. During the course, I understood many unknown facets of SCM and practise them in my work.” Details at Comments(1) Having been a member of ISM since 1989 I have watched it morph from purely a purchasing or supply management group to a more broadened supply management group with a more strategic focus and yes it does more work in the broader area of supply chain Management. The academic journal it supports had changed it name to the Journal of Supply Chain Management. The logistics group in the US has done the same, but is again mainly a logistics group; Same for APICS which is still more oriented to operations, but something we call S&OP is their forte traditionally and is important in supply chain management. Even marketing claims a piece through their traditional analysis of distribution. Many academic journals which used to be narrow in focus now take a broader more supply chain view of things. Many new academic journals specifically for supply chain have evolved and there are several practitioner journals which are broader and more supply chain in focus. Posted by R Plank at 07/22/2013 08:48 Reply to this Report abuse Thanks & Regards ISM-India Team
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:02:16 +0000

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