#istandwithrussia for a multi-polar world where diverse ideologies - TopicsExpress


#istandwithrussia for a multi-polar world where diverse ideologies thrive without state sponsored terror-wars to interrupt natural human development. I stand against George Soros, against the western bankster globalists, against the ideology of war-profits, slavery and genocide that enhances power and wealth to a tiny parasitic 0.00001 (one in 100k) elite class of people. I believe that George Soros, real name: György Schwartz, could be nicknamed properly one of the 4 horsemen of death alongside Brzezinski, Kissinger and David Rockefeller. Furthermore, contrary to many popular opinions, I believe that no other single person did more to make Maidan happen the way it happened, by design, to bring a proxy war to Russia. A few statements: 1) George Soros has chiefly orchestrated the color revolutions, this is well known. And so he has thus perfected them more than any other person on the planet until this time. At least 3 or 4 color revolutions were run by George Soros leading up to his masterpiece. 2) Maidan is his masterpiece. It was his experience with colour revolutions that led up to Maidan. His NGO has been busy for decades acquiring the people networks, the economic plans, the terror plans, the funding required to bring about Maidan and their groomed and bribed puppet leaders. He learned from Georgia and Ukraine in previous color revolutions how to make them work, especially by using foreign mercenaries shooting both sides and then disappearing to leave a very divided and warring society. 3) No stranger to crashing currencies, no stranger to starting wars, no stranger to securing industrial and mineral assets, no stranger to grooming and installing puppets, no stranger to pumping propaganda through media assets in the west. Multi-billionaire George Soros is the number one figure in the world, more than anyone other single person, repsonsible for the current Ukraine genocide and now he calls for 50 billion in aid, for more aggressive action against Russia. He calls for a New Marshall Plan. Does he think small? No, he thinks big and evil and he has experience in carrying out big evil plans. György Schwartz has quite a long history killing people for personal gain as a young man in Hungary exploiting his own people for the Nazis. Now, already in his mid-80s, he is working for the same spirit that he worked for as a young man turning in fellow Jews to Nazis in Hungary for money and power. He is a typical psychopath, showing no emotion or remorse to the suffering of others. In my view, any explanation of the situation of war and genocide in Ukraine, with their militarized Nazi leadership and foreign troops and sanctions against Russia must mention George Soros influence or the explanation will not be complete. Without George Soros, there would very likely never have been 2 color revolutions in Ukraine, and therefore no Maidan, and no genocide in the east and no shooting down of MH17 and no sanctions against Russia and no Hunter Biden in Bursima gas company. Did I say that George Soros acted alone and did all these things? No. Not at all. It took hundreds of thousands of people with a drive to make more money on war in order for these things to fall into place. I never said that George Soros acted alone. My position is simply that no single person did more to make Ukraine happen, Who is George Soros, really? I dont know 100%. But everything I see from diverse open sources leads me to tie together a fabric of understanding that allows me to confidently say he deserves the label one of the 4 horsemen of death. 1 - https://youtube/watch?v=V18AKidyA4U 2 - https://youtube/watch?v=mfPl6NkA_70 3 - https://youtube/watch?v=c1Qr7TnWG74 4 - https://youtube/watch?v=5Jvx9M3Tt9A 5 - infowars/soros-admits-responsibility-for-co…/ 6 - telegraph.co.uk/…/George-Soros-EU-should-provide… 7 - againstcronycapitalism.org/…/george-soros-may-b…/ Soros is even credited in wikipedia for his part in developing color revolutions - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_revolution also called nonviolent resistance, also called civil resistance, which seem to me Orwellian terms for taking over the assets of a country, killing millions, while pretending to be the good guy.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 20:04:27 +0000

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