it is not that the citizen as consumer is stupid but that the - TopicsExpress


it is not that the citizen as consumer is stupid but that the institutional arrangements today are such that she cannot make rational choices. she has been raised on the doctrine that her self interest is paramount. she is the object of billions of dollars worth of advertising and publicity. she has been told by two presidents it is her patriotic duty to buy, buy almost anything, it doesnt matter, as an act of public welfare. it displays the poverty of our political imagination and institutional arrangements when the highest office in the land is used to dole out such irrational advice. what kind of advice is this to give a nation needing public improvements in its every part? arnold toynbee was serious when he remarked recently that madison avenue is a worse threat to our country than communism.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:58:18 +0000

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