it is very strange that Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, was - TopicsExpress


it is very strange that Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, was an atheist jew. how can somebody be atheist jew? and how can somebody who is an atheist jew, believe in a homeland based on Godly Book? .. Zionism demands a publicly recognized and legally secured homeland in Palestine for the Jewish people. This platform is unchangeable. Theodor Herzl I consider the Jewish question neither a social nor a religious one, even though it sometimes takes these and other forms. It is a national question, and to solve it we must first of all establish it as an international political problem to be discussed and settled by the civilized nations of the world in council. Theodor Herzl So a nation that is supposedly based on lineage of Prophet of God, is actually created and initiated by an atheist nationalist. Would Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Ilias, Moses be pleased with having an atheist lead the way? can the fruits of such an man be blessed by the All-Mighty? Isnt this an insult to the Tribe of Judas? Kind of strange
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:04:21 +0000

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