it ix time for the soo called men of GOD to rise to occassion to - TopicsExpress


it ix time for the soo called men of GOD to rise to occassion to critisize the detestable gaysm & lesbianism going on globally. ........lev.20:13...(if a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is DETESTABLE. they must be PUT TO DEATH;their BLOOD WILL BE ON THEIR HEAD) ALSO jude:7 lev: 18:22-23 1cor:6-9 1tim:1:9-10...all these quotations and more speak of GODS wrath agaist gaysm & lesbianism.... but beloved,what do we hear & see today concerning lesbianism & gaysm globally??? ......some opinion leaders, head of states, departmental heads & soo called men of GOD are the fore-runners of thix direct rebellion against GOD. what you must bear in mind as a believer is that,do not shaken or moved by the evil & demonic act that the world ix embracing but remember "I AM COMING SOON TO PAY EVERYONE ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS SAYS THE LORD" these and more are sanction to come to signify that, the 2nd coming of ;JESUS CHRIST IS AT HAND...REPENT and BE SAVE for ERTERNAL joy!!!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 08:55:41 +0000

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