it shocks me even though the cynical part of me is not surprised. - TopicsExpress


it shocks me even though the cynical part of me is not surprised. how can so many people in this country comfortably putz along and consume consume consume while complaining about assistance programs for the poor and marginalized? how can we accept a life of speeding up and becoming more socially fragmented via a massive campaign of dumbing-down via the mainstream media-mitigated mirage of american exceptionalism. a 68 year grandmother last year in pakistan was bombed to pieces with your tax dollars. so many many thousands have been killed and crippled since 9/11/01. each drone strike and human destroyed does not bring us closer to peace. a philosophy of such violence reflects the pathology of a psychopath. are we supporting psychopathic institutions? there is no compensation for that grandmothers family, not to suggest that there could be adequate compensation. she was picking okra when she was blown to smithereens. her grandchildren watched this war crime happen. the family impacted by this crime is in the u.s. at the moment. only 4 or 5 members of congress attended a hearing during which they spoke of their painful experience at the hands of a complacent u.s. populace. we are pacified into a complacency that is murderous. i know that if someone would have killed my grandmother in such a way that i surely would not easily lie down and take it. the u.s. is creating enemies, not peace. the u.s. has maimed entire societies and crippled countries in order to pursue imperial goals on behalf of corporate interests. the degree to which the u.s. taxpayer is funding this morally bankrupt paradigm is constantly made clear. the bailouts of the banks, banks that have profited from war via helping to finance sales to all sides of nearly all conflicts, not to mention the massive speculation bubbles they created and inflated, and kicking people out of there houses and onto the streets, seems to not matter as long as the state of the individual on average is still ok enough. as long as people have a tv, fbook, and some hot pockets alls freakin hunky dory! the average is absolutely abused and insane!!! banks are crazy megalomaniac institutions! the people that run them have dehumanized us all to the point of simply being things that can serve their profit motives. that is there only motive. these criminals and the whole gang of the 1% of this society own this society. do they own you? stop allowing the government to pay homage to the banks!!! stop corporate welfare!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:20:30 +0000

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