it was magazines like the globe and national enquirer and not the - TopicsExpress


it was magazines like the globe and national enquirer and not the new york times or any other liberal newspaper or tv news station that broke the scandal on democratic presidential contender john edwards and how he was having an affair on his dying wife elizabeth. when i was a teen working on my high school newspaper, i asked my mother, how can you read such garbage. back then, the globe and enquirer were not well respected and usually reported on sightings of ufos and bigfoot. thirty years later, it may as well be cnn and msnbc reporting on paranormal activity and other worldly occurrences since they now care very little about reporting on any real news. this week, the globe reported that according to insiders who regularly phone in tips, barack obama is a mental mess due to the disastrous roll out of obamacare. they also described the scandals that hes a part of with targeting the tea party, benghazi, many others and how putin made him look bad on the world stage. yep, there it was for all average, i dont think about politics until it slaps me in the face voters to see at the grocery store check out stand. with either losing or risking losing their healthcare, the globe story may finally resonate with many of them as it did with john edwards. if those white-house insiders have any other tips...please let me know. my high school journalism teacher would be pretty proud of me for breaking another story that 90% of conservatives have known for years...that pres. obama would willfully destroy the nation and we with rush limbaugh were hoping that he would fail to do...but now maybe theyre ready to listen.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 09:05:31 +0000

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