its lovely to have internet and land line back; phone service down - TopicsExpress


its lovely to have internet and land line back; phone service down since the 6th, and internet went down the 7th I think. Now it is back with an upgrade..and yet, I still cannot get photos to upload from my Dads part of the house using my new to me laptop, Even with sons offline. Means Ill have to buy an extender or Booster for the modem or wall to improve signal where I sit? --what an ordeal, lately. My Dad has become sorta clingy and to work at my computer in my room became difficult at least a month ago. Son gave me his hand me down laptop so I can continue to carry out a bit of work online,...still trying--I missed alot of sales ops in the past month, --thats the breaks. Land line? I discovered , thanks to the very nice Uverse installer that if you give up your land line, you cannot easily go back if you discover you want your old land line back, your work order cannot be undone--sorta like giving up your water rights where we live,...they are not issuing new accounts for irrigation, as far as I can tell,,,you then would have to water outdoors with much costlier residential account water, meaning youd better plan your landscape with care. We have terrible cell reception where I live as the installer learned himself, numerous dropped calls, voicemail and messages arriving late, etc. So glad he gave me this tip, he did not have to. Kids likely still not satisfied with speed,..however he also told me it REALLY depends on where you live, pay for higher speeds might make no difference at all...our little town has antiquated equipment, carry out my work order they had to trace and repair a major cable downtown. Going back to bed,....4 hours sleep, and thats just not enough for me.Meanwhile it is REALLY raining out, Im always thinking about my Bro who is a super commuter and likely on the road right now.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:49:32 +0000

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