its not science when careers are put at risk for venturing into - TopicsExpress


its not science when careers are put at risk for venturing into the unknown, not even close,, my system would change all that,, in order to become a respected member of a field of expertise, a prospect would have to become a member of a local clearinghouse of ideas,, if a person like me has an idea, there is a member of the community I can go to where I can express it,, they in turn are required to tell me to go back to digging ditches and flipping burgers because I dont know my ass from a whole in the ground, or forward the idea up the line to a more qualified expert in a related field if he or she is not sure if it has merit or not, or can see that clearly that it does,, and no fault is ever brought against anyone for a bad idea going to the next level, only good ones being held back, make a wrong decision against a good idea causes a loss of standing and respect until re-earned,, ideas that are cleared as having a value are vetted and eventually finds their way into the mainstream with the backing of experts who, not so much support it as that would be risky to their personal careers when ideas dont pan out, they rather can find no sound reason to deny it,, once in the mainstream, however a particular community, or region, or state, or country mainstreams its up and comers, some through academia, some through free markets, some through governments and non profits, most all a combination of some, it competes on a level field with other dreamers for the support of whoever is needed to back them,, the same system should be used for complaints social injustice that courts dont cover and conspiracy theories,, it might open floodgates needless information flow in the beginning,, but that will quickly subside as the backlog of the multitudes of ignored voices are finally vented as society takes a collective brain fart that hopefully leads to a smoother run world with so fewer problems that the experts of the world miss their hokey patrons who no longer darken their doorsteps wide eye tales of their brilliance searching for that ever illusive diamond in through,, not every person capable of producing valuable solutions to societies problems is able to or wants to become part of the system charged with finding them,, and not every member of that system is capable of earning their position in it,, that leaves a hole in the middle of science that my idea fills,, big deal right, because I dont have anyone to take it to
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:42:08 +0000

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