its surprisi 2 hear d R/S Police comisner (COP) remindi d R/S Gov - TopicsExpress


its surprisi 2 hear d R/S Police comisner (COP) remindi d R/S Gov dat ther is d ban on public protest witout police permit or authorization ,dat d police hv not issue any permit to protest . if d press rightly reported him, its un4tunate dat dis COP R/S hd 2 even abt a mth ago threaten some persons or group who indicated 2 d public of ther intended peaceful protest of not being permitd. U DO NOT NEED PERMIT FROM POLICE 2 PROTEST.... D RIGHT 2 PROTEST is one of d inalienable rights guaranted by d Nig constitution. Ther is even a FED HIGH court decisn on dis emanati frm when d same police tear gas d Late Dr Kuti n his GROUP who wer protesti. U need not b a LAWYER 2 know dat d police can not stop or ban ur protest. D COP R/S Can not b per4ing his duties rightly even in other areas if he dos not know ther is d right 2 protest it is dangerous, dis COP can c a secondary sch student on sch uniform retuni home by 9.30pm and arrest,detain d sch student 4 being on d road at dat time . Futhermore a COP who wil say dat u need police permit 2 protest or dat ther is ban on public protest . Wat ban or purported ban is he talki of... dis COP by his statement on protest wil act wrongly on very many issues n matters deali on his ofice to prevent crime.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 08:31:34 +0000

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