its that time of year again. it stills seems so recent. Sept,11 - TopicsExpress


its that time of year again. it stills seems so recent. Sept,11 2001 changed our lives forever. I remember going to the fire house after work, it seemed like everybody was there, eyes glued to the tv set, waiting for runs to come in and thinking about all the first responders on scene and the victims.i am still amazed by public reaction to the attacks, all of the sudden people were stopping at firehouses and police stations all around the country to say hello, thankyou ,some bringing food,then all of the sudden at our headquarters -Lincolndale firehouse, people started bringing much needed supplies for the rescue& recovery effort, we were getting overrun. T hank god for the boy scouts and a couple of other civic groups who showed up and volunteered to take care of that for us ,so we could focus on responses and sending groups to the site to help.4 days later I was deployed down there our mission was two fold 1,bring in supplies-mind you we had already shiiped 3 large truckloads down there,2-help on site. as I drove south in a fd convoy, I was trying to mentaly prepare myself for what was ahead. needless to say that didnt work well for me. as we drove along the river to lower mannhattan we started seing people on the sidewalks holding signs thanking and cheering the inbound responders. then we started hitting traffic lights./ when we stopped we were swarmed by people thanking us offering food and drink. some reached in the vehicles to shake hands , hug and kiss us. it was amazing this was one of Americas darkest hours, but it brought out the very best in the American people. the reality of the situation became clear as we got closer and started hitting security check points. we were directed to st. pauls chapel a very short distance from the scene, but first one last check point - this time besides police checking ids & vehicles there were k-9 units sniffing every vehicle and person, and national guardsmen wepons at port arms locked an loaded, when we go to the chapel a small but determined group of parrissoners , me us and took care of the supplies-then to the site.anyway please take a little time tomorrow to remember all of the victims of the day thanks for putting up with this. ALL GAVE SOME- SOME GAVE ALL !! GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:03:28 +0000

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