ja e själv rätt oinsatt i seen.is (har litat på att lusläsaren - TopicsExpress


ja e själv rätt oinsatt i seen.is (har litat på att lusläsaren nicklas skoglund haft koll på´t ; ) men här har d dykt upp viss info på engelska som man nog måste läsa innan man skaffar ett konto där: Innan ni börjar använda seen.is eller unseen.is LÄS DETTA! Seen är inget säkert kort alls!! Some stuff I found out about how SEEN.IS/UNSEEN.IS social network is a scam 15 December 2014 at 15:33 Calling fans of SEEN.IS and UNSEEN.IS social network... youre being scammed, and the scammer thinks youre stupid. Want to know more? Read on, and then PLEASE SHARE this note. Dont believe me and dont want to read something you might not like? Goodbye and good luck! Unseen, ehf, the company whose name appears at the bottom of the seen/unseen signup pages (scroll down to the bottom, youll see it), has as its CEO a man named Chris Kitze. If you look at his LinkedIn page (https://linkedin/in/chriskitze) youll see that as well as being CEO of Unseen, he is a director of - amongst others - a company called iNome. According to his own blurb, he serves on the board of directors of this rapidly growing personal intelligence company. An early investor, [he] joined the board to bring [his] experience in internet commerce and finance to help management guide the company to even greater success. The Wikipedia entry for iNome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inome) is very interesting as it details class action lawsuits Chris Kitzes company has been embroiled in for its breaches of data protection laws and for automatically enrolling people into marketing programmes without their permission. Theres much more there too, read it yourself and find out just how badly Kitze wants to use your personal information to make himself rich, and how little he cares about the laws his companies break in order to do so. Want your private cellphone number made available without your consent? Chris Kitze, CEO of Unseen, is your man. Then theres the matter of security. Now Im no encryption expert, but some of those who *are* have serious questions about both the actual security of seen/unseen and the deliberate misrepresentation of it in their FAQs. Read more here: cryto.net/…/19/why-you-should-stay-away-from-unseen…/ So thats the appeal to reason. Now heres the appeal to emotion (with a bit more reason thrown in). As stated in their introductory text, seen.is and unseen.is are both operated by the people behind the website BeforeItsNews. This website is known for spreading untrue and scaremongering news stories, amongst which are those focussed on - frankly - lies about Facebooks security and privacy concerns. There is much to criticise Facebook about. But these criticisms do not justify spreading lies; a cause worth fighting for will only be undermined if those who fight for it lie about it in order to further their aims. Beforeitsnews was one of the sites upon which the latest scare story spread, concerning the Facebook privacy bombshell on January 1st 2015 - a story that has been established by independent researchers to be false: snopes/computer/facebook/fbspying.asp Heres the timeline: Beforeitsnews spreads lies about Facebook, intending to scare Facebook users. Meanwhile the people behind it are working on an alternative social media site, with the aim of capturing that portion of its userbase who are amenable to being frightened by scare stories without taking the time to research the facts themselves. When the site (seen/unseen.is) is ready, Beforeitsnews spreads a fake story about a non-existent privacy bombshell whilst simultaneously heavily promoting its own alternative. Capice?, as Al Capone might have said? Again, if you read the promo information on seen/unseen.is, you will see that the site is ad-supported (just like Facebook), and NO claims are made about enhanced security from interception by national security services outside Iceland. Remember that the vast, vast majority - approaching 100% - of internet traffic passes through the USA at some stage in its travels, at which point it is vulnerable to the dragnet info trawling by performed by the NSA, which takes place where international fibre optic data cables enter the country. There is no escape from this at the moment - every piece of data that passes through the internet ends up in the NSAs enormous new data centre in Utah - INCLUDING everything sent to and from seen/unseen.is. Iceland is a fantastic country and its own data protection laws are well-formulated; however once data leaves the country all bets are off. Seen/unseen.is seem intended to be a home to the credulous, who will have their social media supported by advertising revenue - adverts for products which will no doubt be in alignment with the worldview and mindset of its creators (vinegar-based chemtrail protection agent, or expensive DVDs discussing the aliens who live on Nibiru/Planet X come to mind). It would be no surprise to me if many of the adverts on seen/unseen direct consumers to online shops associated with NaturalNews, as this site has also been pushing many of the same lies and promoting seen/unseen.is. Personally I do not believe that these sites owners believe much of what they promote, as the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to code a large, stable website seem - to me - to be at odds with the lack of such skills necessary to believe the fiction they promote as fact... but I may be wrong. Nonetheless, I urge you to reconsider your membership of seen/unseen.is, because from all I can see, the motives of its creators are murky at best - and deliberately destructive of intelligent thought whilst being downright cynically exploitative at worst. Of course its possible that you may think of me as a shill - that Im being paid by the agents of darkness to try and stop beings of light and enlightenment from finding their true home so that they may usher in a new age of planetary consciousness, or some such. If thats the case then there is no point in telling you the truth, but I will anyway. I am simply a musician; a sound engineer; a person who believes that we are all One Humanity - we are the universe experiencing itself and learning about itself through the as-yet-unexplained magic of consciousness and its accompanying tool of logic and rational thought... but I am also someone who is passionately aware of the plain fact that without honesty and integrity (for which I make no special claim about myself) we cannot progress as a species into a world based on peace, love, unity and respect. From the facts as they are, it seems clear to me that seen.is, unseen.is and their parent website beforeitsnews offer none of this. Written with love, compassion and hope. Colin (with thanks to Alexander Synaptic for invaluable help with the hard research) Seen.isseen.is
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:26:33 +0000

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