jan 1862BARBAROUS ATTEMPT at MURDER AT DORRINGTON. MAN DISEMBOWELLED! Yesterday the greatest excitement prevailed amongst the inhabitants of the usually quiet village of Dorrington, near Church Stretton, on the Shrewsbury and Hereford line of railway, in consequence o an attempt to murder a man after the *nost savage manner, which took place at a late hour on Sunday evening. It appeared that a number of men are, and have been for some time, engaged on the above railway faring Sundays, either in converting the single ■(W a double line or performing other work where Expedition is required, and which can only be well accomplished whilst there is an absence of traffic partial suspension of it. Accordingly, on Sunday last, gang of men were busy in a ballast hole adjoining the station at Dorrington. At five oclock they adjourned to beerhouse near the bridge leading to the village, and remained there linking and discussing until a rather late hour- hey left it would appear in three lots, we presume their road home. The first party had got °nie distance off, when the second, consisting of young man named John Preece (a labourer), Peter Tolley and Owen (alias Jack) Tolley, two * -gh forbidding-looking Irishmen, followed. Behind them was another company of men, and the of night between nine and ten oclock. The Persons thus referred to as forming the advance and rear companies had not proceeded far before an awful shrieking noise was heard from some one on *he road. They wondered what could be the mat*er, er and hastened to the spot. Upon doing so, they *net the two Irishmen running in the direction from whence they had come, and on advancing a ttle further were horror-stricken to behold Preece writhing in agony, with (to use one of the words) hateful of his guts out. He i had received a severe stab on his right side with a knife or some sharp instrument, and was in a dangerous if not a dying state. A gate was pulled down from the entrance of an adjoining field, and the wounded man was placed upon it for the purpose of being carried to the Greyhound public; house. Meanwhile a messenger was despatched with all haste for Mr. Glover, surgeon, of Dorrington ; and that gentleman speedily arrived. He found that the poor fellow had received a deep gash, or cut, in his right side, and that his intestines had protruded so much that it was with great difficulty— (not, we believe, without a further extension of the cut) —that they could be returned to the stomach. The police authorities were apprized of the tragic affair, and the parish constable sent information to Captain Crampton, the Chief-constable ; and Mr. Tonkin, the deputy Chief-constable. Mr. Tonkin availed himself of the assistance of Sergeant James, and P.C. Gittins, of the county police force, and proceeded immediately to Dorrington in search of the criminals. With a degree of alacrity, which is a distinguishing characteristic of some of the leading officers of our county police, the two fellows who were suspected of being concerned in the dreadful deed were apprehended at two oclock yesterday morning at Ryton, two miles from the scene of the conflict, and brought to Shrewsbury. It became apparent that Preece was rapidly sinking, and it was deemed advisable to summons a magistrate, in order that his dying depositions might be taken. T. H. Edwardes, Esq., of Netley Hall, was, therefore, requested to attend. Preece said that he believed he was dying, and deposed that the Tolleys had a grudge against him, and whilst they were going along the road he whose name was Owen, alias Jack Tolley, stabbed him. The magistrate spoke in commendatory terms of the adroitness of the police in apprehending the men. Preece, according to the latest information, which we had from Dorrington last evening, was at the Greyhound Inn; and his condition was as bad as possible to enable him to live. We may remark that Preece is about 21 years of age, and is unmarried; but that his mother is living, and was, as may be supposed, made very ill in consequence of the sad intelligence. Peter Tolley is about 32 years of age, and Owen, alias Jack Tolley, 22. The scene of the occurrence was yesterday visited by many persons; and the villagers, who scarcely know of anything from day to day to disturb them in the even tenor of their way, are greatly agitated at the event. It is worthy of further remark that, with regard to Sunday working on railways, and the line here alluded to particularly, a petition was got up only a short time ago by R. Stewart, Esq., and the members and supporters of the Shrewsbury Young Mens Christian Association, praying for legislative interference. LATEST PAETICULARS, Since writing the above, we have received information from Dorrington that Mr. Glover gives not the slightest hope of the recovery of the unfortunate man. He is unable to take any nourishment that is given to him. His intestines are stated to have been much injured Preece rolling about on the road in the midst of his agony. We learn that the criminals were taken into custody at Ryton, Police-constable Gittins—a muscular and very powerful member of the county police. It is also worthy of record that, as soon as the atrocious act became known and the names of the men were mentioned, a number of the stronger inhabitants went to Ryton, where the prisoner Owen Tolley lodged, and laid wait to apprehend him should he attempt to escape before assistance arrived. The door of the house was locked ; but Police-constable Gittins being the first to come in an official capacity, put his sturdy shoulder to the door and burst it open. The fellow surrendered. Several policemen have searched for the knife, but it is not yet forthcoming. The prisoners were brought up at the Guildhall, in this town, yesterday afternoon, before CM. Campbell, Esq., and remanded a week, to see whether the wounded man survives, and to complete the case. The men are now in the county gaol, being escorted thither handcuffed and guarded by two police officers last evening.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:11:34 +0000

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