jodha Akbar 30th September 2013 Written Episode Scene 1 adham is - TopicsExpress


jodha Akbar 30th September 2013 Written Episode Scene 1 adham is shouting on javeda how dare she if she is jalals wife so she can destroy my moms dress i will force him to punish actually fault is of jalal he had given her this much freedom javeda jokes adham grabs her maham comes and saves her. She says jodha got punishment jalal is sending her to amer he was sending earlier too but now with hatred. She was so arrogant and was changing rules of here but now she is going so i will be the incharge now like before . Resham whisper something in maham’s ear she says to adham do one thing only never misbehave with jodha and give her respect whenever sees her adham says never maham says not to forget she is king’s wife Javeda takes jodha’s side and says this is right adham is about to attack her with knife maham stops him and ask javeda to go and make juice. She leaves maham ask adham to control his anger. Scene 2 Hamida is with womens and ask why menavati has come here. I think it is not related to holi incident as it happened today itself and jalal asked her to come before today thats why she is here and he knew that bharmal is involved in fight there must be tension in amer still he asked mena to come so there must be big reason, all says lets go to court only then we will get to know whats happening. Scene 3 In jalals court he says after talking to jodha i have taken a decision that jodha will go back to amer. Both mena and hamida objects and ask why. Mena says with respect when you blamed my sons they didnt ask you once but i know want to say something she says it is our tradition that we never go to daughter’s in law but i am here because you asked. We tell one thing to our daughter at her marriage that we are breaking ties with her and she belongs to in laws from now on so how can i take her back is there any complaint against her? Jalal says its better if you dont talk about complaints and when i arrested your sons it was king’s responsibility and now i want jodha to go so its husband’s decision and it is jodha’s decision also. Mena looks at jodha and ask how you can even think of it. You want to come as divorcee. Parents feels good when daughters come home at festivals but not like this. Amer is your place but clear one thing that agra is your home only. And no doubt you born there but your death should be here only i cant take you back jalal looks up mena folds her hands and says to jalal that i cant follow this order jodha stops her and says if you dont want me to come back i will not. I cant see you begging in front of anyone and dont think because of this my love for you will decrease no my love for has increased a lot you are the best mother. I will never come back to amer as divorcee. I will never make you mother of divorcee its my promise, jodha wipes mena’s tears. Mena blesses her and greets everybody. Scene 4 Jodha is crying in her room. Moti comes to console her jodha says leave moti says no jodha says why when mena rejected to take me were you there. Jalal wants me to go mena wants me to stay if i am depressed here then what you will get here nothing. Its my request as a friend to leave and order as a king. She leaves. Jodha cries thinking of mena’s words then jalal’s word about divorce. She sees her 2 souls one says think about mena she has other responsibilities too she has 2 daughters also how can she take you. Other says how you can forget that you are married to him think if you were married to any hindu king then would you behave like this. There are responsibilities of a wife which you never fulfilled you took 7 pheras with him but didnt follow a single one. Jodha says what about jalal he also took pheras with me he had responsibilities as a husband too but he never fulfilled. Her soul says no he fulfilled his every duty gave you respect in front of everyone made a mandir in harem for you even allowed you to play holi in palace, it was only you who never gave him rights and never behaved like his wife, it was you who came here with hatred in her heart for him you never accepted his traditions and all. Why are so angry now all were your fault so you should go back other imagination says no think about mena dont go back both the imaginations keep pressurizing her on their respective point. Jodha shouts enough both fades away jodha says there is no place for me in agra and in amer so i know what to do now. Scene 5 hamida ask are you fine here mena says i am sorry i didnt take jodha with me hamida thanks her for it. Mena says i took very strong vows from her in full court it is not difficult to understand why jodha wanted to come but.. hamida says i understand. Mena says when husband and wife it doesnt mean they should separate ways, they fight because love is developing between them and they dont understand. They are understanding each other thats why they fight because of differences but that doesnt mean they hate each other hamida says trust me if you allowed her to come with you even then i would’ve stopped her. Mena says now i am in peace as you are here to take her care. Mena bows down hamida says dont do this i am with jodha nothing will happen to her you go with peace. Mena says ok i am leaving for amer and goes. Scene 6 hoshiyar informs that jodha is not seen anywhere in palace jalal says jodha is not in palace and ask maham and hamida how can she not be seen in palace? He ask minister to start searching for her everywhere. Jalal is leaving hamida ask where are you going he says i have to do something before things go out of control. jalal comes across ruks who adds fuel in fire by saying that if the stamp of divorce comes in life of a wife than she she cant breath and can do anything like suicide and in jodha’s religion Jauhur is allowed also jalal says she doesnt belong to amer that she can follow any tradition of them she is my wife and my respect is related with her ok we dont share cordial relation but i cant allow her to play with my respect I have to stop her. jodha is running and jalal is behind her asking her to stop its my order. She come to the bank of river and jumps in water.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 23:05:13 +0000

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