judg·ment [juhj-muhnt] Show IPA noun 1.an act or instance of - TopicsExpress


judg·ment [juhj-muhnt] Show IPA noun 1.an act or instance of judging. 2.the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment. 3.the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind: Our judgment as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence. 4.the opinion formed: He regretted his hasty judgment. We all have done this from time to time. What gets me is this. Have we all not learned at some point or another that although we think we know it all, we should find out exactly what it is we are letting fly out of our mouths before we do so. Most of the time these situations do not include or even have really anything to do with us. Yet as individuals we tend to feel as though we have the right to speak on them, even advise on them and in most cases to every one else but the individual it most pertains to (or is about). Now in understanding that the action defined above is part of our nature, this is not where the majority of my frustration stems from. The root of my frustration comes from the lack or inability to properly inform or educate ones self before jumping straight into the "advising stage". The getting "informed or educated" stage is the one that tends to get overlooked or disregarded because 95% of the time it is the stage were most will tend to find the truth or as it is most commonly referred to as "get put in there place", leaving little to no room for "juicy" conversation. Well... Where is the fun in that???? Right? Trust me I get it, having boring tedious conversation with someone is no fun and honestly makes you feel like pulling your teeth out while plucking each strand of hair one by one out of your scalp with a pair of tweezers. I hope I painted a pretty descriptive picture of my feelings on this type of conversation and leave none of it up for question. The reason why is, as horrible as it would be to have to sit through that I can respect it much more than having to listen to someone speculate on another life situation based on something they heard from a cousin of an uncles sister, that was told by there moms gym friend that heard it from one of the three trainers that they are having an affair with on Tuesday nights. This Trainer got it from hearing an argument while walking his dogs on the block that the person lives as he was turning up his ipod because his "Jam" came on. So it has to be true.... Pretty ridiculous right??? I feel horribly stupid just writing it. So to bring it all home and finally get to the simple point that has created this undeniably dumb sequence of word that I am sure after reading you actually feel as you have reversed your intellectual capacity by burning brain cells. Please educate your self one the matters that you speak of, to put it simply "Have the balls to find out exactly what is going on before opening that whole in your face". Thank you. Please note* The intended purpose of this msg was not to offend any one. If you do find yourself offended take a minute to ask yourself why. I am pretty sure its because you now have the feeling of having to grow a pair. Its okay... This is the first step to doing so.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 11:06:43 +0000

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