judgment is not executed for me and therefore i have not made full - TopicsExpress


judgment is not executed for me and therefore i have not made full proof of my ministry. because of this, those who belong to me will mingle themselves among the people looking on the outward appearances and not see the heart. how do i know this? according to god, man looks on the outward appearance. god sees the heart. god punishes me for natalie by making me unfuitful. he has refused to bring forth my righteousness as the light and my judgment as the noonday. therefore, they will either disagree with me so that im robbed because of their ignorance or they will allow this deliberately out of jealousy. either or, i will no longer attempt to reason with an unreasonable god. let him give up the apple of my eye as my reward for being punished for natalie. i will give up the apple of his eye and as yet i have not repented for her divorce. i will let what god does determine what i will do. judge not according to the outward appearance but judge righteous judgment. what makes me so sure that the people they have mingled themselves with have robbed me in their hearts? well, for one, he tells me that ephraim has mingled himself among the people. for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them. for two, he says you shall know them by their fruits. a good tree does not bring forth corrupt fruit. neither does an evil tree bring forth good fruit. in other words, their intentions are known by the fruit of their doings which is the effect of what they do. the thief comes not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. do you want to know what kind of tree i am? O, you afflicted, tossed with tempest and not comforted, behold, i will lay your stones with fair colors and i will lay your foundations with sapphires. all of your children shall be taught of the lord and great shall be the peace of your children. ask the sheep that i have kept whether i have added to or subtracted from their peace. if they say i have added to their peace then you know by my fruits that my intentions have been to produce peace. but these who they have mingled themselves among have subtracted from my peace and i know by the effect of what they do that they have robbed me in their hearts. #justice4treyvonmartin
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:51:46 +0000

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