just another angry voice, one of many making their voices and - TopicsExpress


just another angry voice, one of many making their voices and opinions clear, roll on September! This rant convinced one voter. I hope it convinces you - Do you remember the 80s? Under Tory rule? Thatcher? No jobs? Bankers snorting cocaine from hookers breasts whilst the likes of my Dad couldnt get work for years? Have you seen more and more food banks crop up whilst energy prices soar? Remember the banking crisis? The Tory line Were in this together? The austerity measures? Well those austerity measures are only for the middle class and the poor. And the Scots. Have you read how the NHS is being slowly privatised against the will of the people? How these politicians pushing it through have all worked or are connected to huge bonus payments for these private companies? Or have you read about how the Scottish worker pays more tax compared to their English counterpart yet recieve less money back? Or how about that lovely new bridge of flowers, designed by Joanna Lumley that London is getting? ANOTHER attraction for the city of London, another huge chunk of money for Britains beloved capital whilst Scottish injured soldiers get booted off the dole for not trying hard enough to find work? What can you do about it? Well, nothing at the moment. You can vote for a new government, yes, but Scotland doesnt have enough voters to make a dent in the voting system. If the majority of England vote Conservative or Labour or UKIP - Scotland just has to go along with it. Scotland does not share the same ideals as the City Of London. Were much more socialist thinking. We want a free NHS. We want free Universities...Dont you want this country to have and control its own finances, to distribute them how we see fit? Instead of Westminster deciding what leftovers we are allowed to have? THATS what a YES vote is for. Currency is irrelevant. Well have a currency because we have a £6 billion financial sector. Well be allowed to join the EU because we are oil rich and have the best universities in the world. We will flourish like Norway. Or at least we will have a chance to. What chance do we have right now? A YES vote isnt for Salmond. It isnt for SNP - Its about Scotland standing on its own two feet. Its about our taxes being spent in this country. Its about investing in what this country needs rather than what London THINKS we need. Its about our votes being significant and OUR ideals being realised. Because hey - Were only a bunch of rebelious Scots to be crushed, over and over, to them. Personally Im tired of working my arse off and still living in the pig shit paying off the debt of the rich whilst they tell me I dont work hard enough or Im not intelligent enough to run my own country. Hope that helps. x
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:26:29 +0000

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