just been onto vodafone to top up my mobile internet see the chat - TopicsExpress


just been onto vodafone to top up my mobile internet see the chat transcript below....get yourself comfy and have a leak first info: You are about to be connected to a new connection sales adviser for Vodafone UK. Please note they do not have access to existing customer details and cannot process orders or upgrades. If you have a query of this nature please contact customer services. info: You are now connected with Reece. Reece: Hello, youre chatting with Reece your Vodafone online sales specialist NEIL: hi ive been trying to buy a data pack for about 30 minutes now im angry that the website wont allow me to do this all i get is an error that there seems to be a problem NEIL: ive been on various browsers to try and i get the same message also been on forums and it seems it is happening to everyone Reece: May I know what error you facing NEIL: trying to buy a data package for my mobile internet dongle NEIL: i get to the payment page and fill in all the fields , i have the money to pay but averytime i try i get there seems to be aproblem NEIL: i losing interest rapidly Reece: are you trying to top up for your data sim? NEIL: yes NEIL: ive only had the dongle 2 weeks im gonna send it back as i cant top it up NEIL: its mobile wifi Reece: let me connect you to customer service team Reece: and Reece: they will help you on it info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group. info: You are now connected with Mike . NEIL: NEIL: at 21:58:42 hi ive been trying to buy a data pack for about 30 minutes now im angry that the website wont allow me to do this all i get is an error that there seems to be a problem Mike : I will need to transfer your chat to the concern team. Please be connected. info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group. info: You are now connected with Sam. Sam: Hello, youre chatting with Sam, one of Vodafones online customer service specialists. How may I help you today? NEIL: hi san yu are the 3rd person ive been connected to can you help NEIL: NEIL: at 21:58:42 hi ive been trying to buy a data pack for about 30 minutes now im angry that the website wont allow me to do this all i get is an error that there seems to be a problem Sam: A very good evening Mike, We have a record of the previous chat to pick up where we left, I will certainly help you with this NEIL: im neil not mike Sam: Sure Neil .. NEIL: ive been tring for nearly one hour to top up my mobile wifi Sam: I am afraid I have limited access on pay as you go accounts as I am pay monthly customer service. Sam: However, I can transfer the chat to the pay as you go team and they will be more than happy to help you with your query. Sam: They will have a full record of this chat to pick up where we left so that you dont have to repeat yourself, If you please stay online till you get connected to someone, and I wish you a great evening NEIL: and im just about to give up and send the unit back and ask for a refund info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group. info: You are now connected with Caitlin . info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group. info: You are now connected with Percy . Percy : Hello, youre chatting with Percy , one of Vodafones online customer service specialists. How may I help you today? NEIL: hi you are now the 4th person ive been connected to is this a kind of game you have in your office or something NEIL: now percy lol NEIL: percy i dont think you can help NEIL: just transfer me again to someone else NEIL: you are the 5th person ive been transferredto NEIL: not very good customer service info: A copy of this chat conversation will be sent to [email protected] at the end of this chat. info: A copy of this chat conversation will be sent to neil.gale@gmx at the end of this chat. Percy : Sorry to learn about your inconvenience. Let me go through your chat to help you further. NEIL: all i want to do is top up my mobile wifi NEIL: and its the hardest thing ive ever had to do NEIL: the website is diabolical and so is the customer support Percy : Sure! NEIL: Sure? Percy : I will quickly connect you to the relevant pay as you go team in a moment. NEIL: so thats 6 chat agents ive been connected to so far Percy : Sorry let me confirm one thing right now. Percy : Are you a pay as you go customer? NEIL: yes NEIL: ive lost all faith in vodafone i thought i would get a good service it seems not ! Percy : No it is not like that sir. NEIL: it seems like it to me NEIL: i have been trying to top up my mobile wifi for over 1 hour now and im getting nowhere Percy : Please bear with me while I transfer this chat to the pay as you go team as I have limited access to your account. Percy : If you let me transfer now than I will do that now. NEIL: and another transfer that makes 7 i think Percy : Please let me do that to save your valuable time. NEIL: its terrible customer service NEIL: over 1 hour so far isnt that valuable enough info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group. info: You are now connected with Cyrus. Cyrus: Hello, youre chatting with Cyrus, one of Vodafones online customer service specialists. Regret the inconvenience caused to you due to the chat disconnect. I have a record of the conversation youve been having with us just before your chat was transferred to me. Give me a moment to go through that to assist you better NEIL: i havent been disconnected you are now the 8th agent im chatting to NEIL: i just get transferred NEIL: so can you help or not info: A copy of this chat conversation will be sent to neil.gale@gmx at the end of this chat. NEIL: im losing the will to live here all i wanna do is top up my mobile internet Cyrus: Please click here NEIL: when i asked to buy a mobile dongle i was inundated with help and good feelings but it seems now im a customer im put on the back burner to make way for lovely new customers NEIL: what is the link you sent me Cyrus: Im sorry about the experience. I can assure you that we are striving to keep our customers happy. NEIL: im afraid you are all failing miserably NEIL: all i want to do is spend money with vodafone and i you website cant even let me do that NEIL: i think im going to take this matter further Cyrus: As of now the system are down, please try to top up after 8:00 am. NEIL: i need compensation for the time ive wasted chatting it not good enough what do you meed the system are down your a a multi billion company surely you have a back up plan....you do have one dont you ? NEIL: i want to top up now as i need mobile internet NEIL: im making an official comlpaint the customer service is non existent info: A copy of this chat conversation will be sent to neil.gale@gmx at the end of this chat. NEIL: what do you propose now i need to top up and i cant NEIL: Cyrus ? NEIL: It appears that choosing vodafone for my moblie wifi requirements was the worst thing i ever did Cyrus: It will take me a couple of minutes to check this for you. Is that ok? NEIL: here i am with no moblie wifi and there you all are wherever you are going about your business as thought nothing is wrong NEIL: and its not right im a customer and i deserve better than this NEIL: what are you checking NEIL: you said the systemis down until 8am and i should try again , do you finish work at 8am ? info: A copy of this chat conversation will be sent to neil.gale@gmx at the end of this chat. NEIL: so now im about 1 hr and 30 minutes tring to buy some data package from you , and still im waiting Cyrus: Please understand that we are available for 24*7 NEIL: can you understand how annoyed im getting Cyrus: I finish my work by midnight. NEIL: im not using a script to read from im a human is there another human you can transfer me to NEIL: ill still be here at midnight i think still waiting to top up Cyrus: I understand and apologise for the trouble youve had to go through. NEIL: can i ask if you are based in the uk ? Cyrus: No we are based in India. NEIL: i dont think you understand it seems vodafone doesnt understand its customers concerns at all Cyrus: We always appreciate customers who take the time to give us their feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. NEIL: and you are not called cyrus ...right ? Cyrus: We sincerely apologize for all the inconvenience caused as this is absolutely not the way Vodafone believes in serving its customers. Cyrus: Customers are our number one priority and we always strive to make our customers happy. We take every review and complaints from our customer very seriously, Cyrus: as we constantly try to improve our service. Cyrus: Your comments about the disappointment are highly appreciated and this will be used as a feedback for our future business. NEIL: ill be giving feedback later on a public forum of this chat as im saving it for later use NEIL: how many buttons do you have for the scripted messages im getting Cyrus: I have informed you everything in black & white. Cyrus: It was my responsibility to let you know this so that you do not have any doubts whatsoever. NEIL: as i cant type as fast as that Cyrus: I can assure you and document on your account that this information I have provided you is accurate. NEIL: doubts doubts vodafone has no idea about customer service im appalled at how i have been treat and im making an officail complaint to the ombudsman Cyrus: We believe in honesty and we are always transparent to our customers so expectations are set and our customers should not get trouble. NEIL: I can assure you and document on your account that this information I have provided you is accurate......what are you talking about all i want to do is top up my sim card with data ........please transfer me to another agent as i like meeting you all NEIL: ive chatted with 8 so far i might as well chat with a few more Cyrus: The other agent will also inform you, As of now the system are down, please try to top up after 8:00 am. NEIL: would you like to talk with anyone else in my family as im going to get some tea and biscuits now as im losing the will to live NEIL: please wait there til i get back as i need to get this matter resolved Cyrus: Sure, please take your time. NEIL: good old vodafone uks no1 service provider ....not NEIL: have you ever seen the uk tv comedy show the kumars at no42 ? Cyrus: Yes, I have. Cyrus: I can completely understand. If that happened to me Id be really upset too. I can imagine how frustrating that must be. NEIL: i dont think you do understand otherwise i would be a happy customer with a happy experience Cyrus: Its understandable that youre very upset about whats happened. NEIL: i mentioned the kumars as this appears to be a comedy show too ...am i being filmed too and appearing in the show NEIL: its ridiculous Cyrus: No you will not be filmed. NEIL: im so angry that im never going to use vodafone again and will never ever recommend vodafone to my friends or associates Cyrus: Neil, I suggest you to let us help you after 8:00 am when the systems are up & running. NEIL: i have my best top on too so if there is a film crew now your chance mate Cyrus: Unfortunately there is no film crew as of now. NEIL: what systems are you talking about a website you mean....imagine if i was a farmer and had desires on my flock and wanted to upload my antics to youtube how on earth would i be able to that if i can get wifi cos the systems are down NEIL: cyrus you are are funny we should team up as a double act ...have you heard of the krankies before ? info: A copy of this chat conversation will be sent to neil.gale@gmx at the end of this chat. Cyrus: The system is not just website. Cyrus: No, I have not. NEIL: or even the chuckle brothers ? Cyrus: Sorry, I have not. NEIL: well i can assure you this would make good tv, i have already emailed youve been framed harry hill pays 250 quid for every clip used , we can slpit the cash if you wish NEIL: or ill send it to vodafone to pay to have the system fixed Cyrus: I suggest you to let us help you after 8:00 am when the systems are up & running. NEIL: (tumbleweed blowing across the highway) NEIL: i think i will still be here at 8 am Cyrus: We dont like to see our customers upset and inconvenienced. We always strive to create a positive customer experience. NEIL: its ok for you going home ay 00.00 now i have to wait another 8 hours to top up NEIL: so does that mean i get a large amount of cash put into my bank account for the bad experience im having ? NEIL: or at least some free data Cyrus: You will have to wait till 8:00 am even to discuss about that. NEIL: i feel as though we are getting to now each other quite well Cyrus: I can see why youre angry, if this would have happened to me I too would have been upset. I apologise for the inconvenience caused. NEIL: what shall we chat about NEIL: im sure you are ready to go home so why bot stay here and avoid other angry customers before you go home Cyrus: Anything you wish to know about Vodafone. NEIL: im going to a bike rally at the weekend with my family ...what are you ding Cyrus: I will be busy sleeping on weekends at my home. NEIL: i spoke to my sister earlier today she is a vodafone customer to do you know her Cyrus: Do you like sports bikes ? NEIL: shes called bronketta trondlesnark Cyrus: Sorry is she a payg customer ? NEIL: she lives in scotland do you know what a haggis is ? NEIL: yes she is NEIL: you bet she is Cyrus: No, what is haggis ? NEIL: they are 3 legged animals that run round the tops of the fells there if you catch them you boil them and have neeps and tatties with them NEIL: they are really tasty Cyrus: Okay. NEIL: nut i like yorkshire puddings have you heard of them before NEIL: we pour gravy in them and gorge ourselves Cyrus: Yes, I like puddings. NEIL: ahhhh a man after my own heart NEIL: what pudding do you like Cyrus: I like any pudding after dinner. NEIL: i like sports bikes but they are not as good as yorkshire puddings Cyrus: Do you work somewhere ? NEIL: i feel like im getting to know you better and you have made me smile Cyrus: You are welcome. NEIL: yes i work in my own business NEIL: i sell kids toys NEIL: do you have children NEIL: i have 4 NEIL: and they spend all my money Cyrus: Yes, I have a daughter. Cyrus: Cool. NEIL: ahhh look at our website NEIL: itstoytastic.co.uk NEIL: i have a 8yo boy 12 yo boy 19 yo boy and 22 yo girl NEIL: they are very hard work Cyrus: I will definitely check it out at my home. NEIL: are you sure no film crew is waiting to burst in on me right now Cyrus: Good, they are following their parents. NEIL: waiting for mobile internet ...yes they are ha ha Cyrus: No there is no film crew. Cyrus: Okay, NEIL: good cos im not looking my best at the moment Cyrus: You will be after 8:00 am tomorrow. NEIL: ok my son toby has just got a new car Cyrus: Great. NEIL: and it loud NEIL: so u off now then Cyrus: I am sorry, I did not get that ? NEIL: only 58 mins to finish Cyrus: Yes, you are right. NEIL: lucky you do you have far to go home Cyrus: Are your children studying also ? NEIL: so come on cyrus isnt your real name is it NEIL: yes they are Cyrus: No, my home is not very far. NEIL: the 22 yo is getting ready to go to spain in the morning to party with her friends NEIL: she is crazy Cyrus: Okay, do you like to party at all ? NEIL: ooo yes when i get a chance i like to go to motrobike meetings and party all weekend...do you have amotorbike ? Cyrus: Yes, I have. NEIL: what type Cyrus: Its just a commuter Bike. NEIL: an enfield ? NEIL: ahhh i see NEIL: i see videos of the roads and it looks scary Cyrus: No, that is not the bile I like. Cyrus: Bike* NEIL: a harley ? Cyrus: Yes, that is on the wishlist. NEIL: ahhh cool NEIL: i had a ural trike i loved it Cyrus: Have you been to some other continents for travel ? NEIL: yes maldives , thailand, europe,amarica Cyrus: You are lucky. NEIL: do you travel Cyrus: I want to travel out of my country as I have travelled a lot with in my country. NEIL: which part of india are you in Cyrus: In western India. NEIL: whats it called NEIL: we have afriend here now called bavisha she is from india too Cyrus: Its a state named as Gujarat. Cyrus: Okay. NEIL: ill google it NEIL: i like like indian food NEIL: but its made for western palate NEIL: so not authentic NEIL: when i went to maldives i had some great curried mainly fish Cyrus: Okay have you asked your friend to cook some Indian food for you ? NEIL: yes but she isnt very good at cooking NEIL: so i buy pre made indian food NEIL: we dont get the spices here NEIL: i wish we did Cyrus: Brilliant, if you want you get these imported to your address from India. NEIL: yes please do you know where i can get some Cyrus: Please google for it & you can also get some information from Indians living in UK. NEIL: although im still mad with vodafone its been a pleasure chatting with you NEIL: ahhh ok i will Cyrus: You are always welcome. NEIL: you have calmed me down NEIL: do you have facebook NEIL: i have im called ZigZag Cyrus: It was a pleasure assisting you. NEIL: look me up NEIL: cool Cyrus: Okay, I will send you a friend request. NEIL: nice one NEIL: my profile pic is of animal the drummer from the muppet show Cyrus: Okay. Cyrus: Thank you for your valuable time. It has been a pleasure assisting you today. NEIL: https://facebook/neil.gale.90 NEIL: thatll take me straight to my profile NEIL: please tell me your real name if you are allowed Cyrus: Sorry we are not allowed but I will surely contact you on FB, that is a promise. NEIL: ok i look forward to that NEIL: ok well i suppose you are getting ready to go home now NEIL: will you sleep or do family stuff Cyrus: Yes, you are right. Cyrus: I will sleep for 6 -7 hours. NEIL: lucky you NEIL: i sleep for maybe 4 hrs NEIL: im a workaholic you see Cyrus: So your business keeps you busy, Am I right ? NEIL: i have my own business so rarely sleep NEIL: yes very busy i sell kids toys and now soon christmas will be here so i get busier every day NEIL: like a santa claus Cyrus: Do you handle a store of toys ? NEIL: on-line only now we used to have a store Cyrus: okay, so do you feel the online is better than a retail store ? NEIL: yes of course retails stores are failing now Cyrus: Okay, so do you also export your toys in abroad ? NEIL: yes of course worldwide NEIL: we send toys to india too every day Cyrus: Okay, so is it like that you own a small business or an MNC ? NEIL: MNC Cyrus: Perfect, that is the future of business nowadays. NEIL: I have a dedicated team that work under my direct control Cyrus: Have you hired them from some professional organizations ? NEIL: at the moment i currently employ 203 employees NEIL: yes but source from work agencies too Cyrus: Excellent. NEIL: Its hard work Cyrus: So you are a big business tycoon. Cyrus: Yes, it is for sure. NEIL: no not really ha ha just a humble man making ends meet NEIL: i have been trading on-line for over 14 years now Cyrus: Please do not be modest, infact its an achievement. NEIL: its gone so fast NEIL: to think when i was achild the internet did not exist Cyrus: So did you started this as a family business ? NEIL: even mobile phone NEIL: yes family comes first NEIL: always NEIL: 25 minutes to home time my friend Cyrus: Okay so your family must have supported you a lot for this, yes that is correct. Cyrus: I can leave now too, NEIL: you can go now ? Cyrus: As I am really tired now, hence I can compensate tomorrow also. NEIL: i started the business myself and support my family Cyrus: Superb. NEIL: yes i still have work to do what is the correct time where you are now NEIL: 23.37 here NEIL: just as you are supporting yours Cyrus: Its 4:10 am NEIL: may i ask your age Cyrus: I am 32. NEIL: ahhh i am 51 on saturday NEIL: :( Cyrus: happy birthday in advance. NEIL: thank you NEIL: when is your birthday ? Cyrus: You are welcome. Cyrus: That was on 11/8/2014. NEIL: happy birthday for then Cyrus: Thanks a lot. Cyrus: Is there anything else I can do for you today? NEIL: no thanks for the caht enjoy your time at home and sleep well NEIL: chat Cyrus: Thank you for contacting Vodafone, Cyrus: Please feel free to get back to us in case of any other concern and we will be more than happy to help you out :) Cyrus: Just to inform you we have started web chat service 24*7 for our customers, hence please contact us whenever you have any difficulty. Cyrus: We will be happy to assist you. NEIL: thanks cyrus dont forget fb ok ? Cyrus: yes, I will. Cyrus: take care, Bye. NEIL: and you my friend
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 23:00:04 +0000

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