just thought I would inform everybody in case you didnt know, a - TopicsExpress


just thought I would inform everybody in case you didnt know, a lot of you know that this boy has lupus which basically means my immune system attacks my body. it also means that the Lupus with eating away at my teeth, so me and Lilia talked about it and we decided just to get dentures both on top and bottom. so last Thursday when I posted I was at the dentist office and I took out my top teeth, I tell you I have to laugh because when I smile and look in the mirror, I look like a jack olantern. I havent been posting my work out because the doctor says Im not allowed to lift anything heavy, but I can do cardio. and thats fine I got on the scale this morning and found out I weighed 198lbs, from 205lbs, not bad considering all Ive had was soup and Powerade zero. so anyway I just want to keep my friends and family( yes that means you). informed. and yes tomorrow is the 30th, which means new pictures. so if my mouth looks funny now you know why. thank you everybody, I love you, and have a awesome day.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:00:52 +0000

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