just venting in frustration tonight I will always try and do whats - TopicsExpress


just venting in frustration tonight I will always try and do whats best for my life. I will try and do it honestly and just. With the same loving, trusting, humble, funny warm heart Ive always had. I will always remember to keep God close to my heart and soul, and trust in him always. Jesus Christ, son of God with heart, love and much respect for what hes done for me and my life. I am going to stop caring what others say about this disbelieving in God or Jesus Christ. I say always, and to myself and others, that if you cant bare your own facts, truths of understanding about your own faith behind what you are bashing. Then dont talk to me or dont talk at all... Jesus even stated in the Bible. That you will lose friends and family members because of me. If thats the case. Delete me.. or just dont talk to me.That simple... and I will be fine with that. I am starting to get use to all loneliness, all the avoiding, pushing away, name calling, drama and my miss understandings. I will also try my hardest to be the best uplifting trance dj I can be. Whether you support my cast music or not.Trance music has and will always be here to stay. To find my support fan and friends network who actually share that same taste, love and passion in this amazing style of music. I am not looking to be a star dj or to see how many likes or how many listens Ill get. I dont really care about that at all. What I do care about though. Is the spreading of Trance music in my city of Guelph and then making it popular throughout Ontario and parts of Canada. I will also fish as many lakes, streams and rivers as much as possible before I die. See beauty and things that you can only see in pictures. I will always try and keep most of my thoughts, this depression I have to mentally fight with daily, quiet and personal and to myself like I always do. I will respect and support the people, and family who are close to me in my life. True friends and family that actually shows there loyalty, trust, love and friendship with you. Who actually involves you and never pushs you away. Trusts you, listens to you and loves to share in your company. I want friends and family members who will inspire me always. Teach me there goals, ways and deeply found passions in there lives. And is not afraid to open and share there heart and life with you. I will always disregard the ones who pull away from me or I never hear from. I have no time for them. I dont have all the money in the world, nor a fancy girlfriend, wife or kids, cellphones, all the toys.. fancy dj gear or top of the line fishing tackle gear as many of you all have. A nice car or a house even. Will I ever have those things? Its possible... I believe in time If I want it, Ill go for it. I thank grace and the faith in my heart for everything I own and have worked so hard to earn. I have fished and caught some pretty amazing fish this year. With the most amazing company of some awesome friends. Reached 28 recorded uplifting trance podcast shows this year. All recorded to cd. What accomplishment for a guy that has problems sitting and focusing sometimes lol. These podcast will be my lifes work. And at least I am happy that I can leave these podcast with the rest of the world to always listen to. I never want to be famous. But I would like be heard. If you listen long enough you can oh most feel my heart in every tune. 2015 will be amazing... Another chance to grow my relationship in Jesus. To dj/mix more jaw dropping uplifting trance podcast. To post the most eye catching photos of landscapes, animals, bugs, fish and wildlife that will just blow everyone away. Fish, ice fish and fly fish and catch more fish then I did this year and fish more spreading areas in and around Ontario. To network and meet more amazing friends like yourselves. I worked really hard to reconnect with some of my family this year. 5 year falling out with some of them. And a accomplishment to have them back in my life again. Still working on the rest of the family.. baby steps. Also some goals for me for next year.. save more money. And to locate a new paying job for after the new year.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 02:50:44 +0000

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