@jwong139 #Passion2Profit Finally, Passion2Profit in Singapore - TopicsExpress


@jwong139 #Passion2Profit Finally, Passion2Profit in Singapore has come to an end yesterday. Couple of lessons here: 1. Commitment - in order to be successful, when we say do whatever it takes to be in the event, we must be there. Hundreds of people who have committed to be there on Sunday morning at 7:30am did not show up. So, will they be successful? I doubt and wish them all the best and thats their pattern of their lives. They have no freaking ideas how important it is for successful people to honour their commitment. I woke up at 5:45am. I had a nice breakfast. I topped up my cash card before I reached the event hall at 7:00am. Thats the pattern I would like t share with you because when a warrior commits, there is no excuse. Traffic jam? Sick? Nope. No excuse. As a trainer and facilitator, imagine the learners are waiting in the room for me and I do not show up. That is something I cannot afford. No compromise. No excuse. No negotiation. Well, Joel rewarded a few of our ProfitPoint Master graduates who showed up early something that is worth US$20,000. Just showing up and honouring our commitment is US$20,000. 2. No assumption - Joel has tweaked the event content again and again. I saw he did it yesterday smoothly without alarming the first-timers. He also made serious adjustment yesterday to make sure that the event ended on time. How did he do it? Its something I would ask you to explore. 3. Commitment No.2 - about 200 people said that they would commit to attend ProfitPoint19. There were photos taken for the big crowd and I see some familiar faces whom I shall not name. Yet, it was a disappointment that most of these people eventually walked away. Committing something but not honouring the promise is something once again a successful person wont do. Unless I know I can commit, I will not say yes. But once I say Yes, I will commit all the way. So, for those who commit and honour their promise to go to ProfitPoint 19, all the best because you are going to embark on a new journey with Joel. I would just love to be there with you but I cannot commit. So, I did not register for re-attendance. 4. Present - on purpose, I wore a blue tie yesterday. Incidentally, there were people who came to me to find out more what I did and pass me their name cards. There were people who wanted to find out how ProfitPoint has created changes for me. Towards the end, I even did some quick 5-minute coaching work with a number of people who still found difficulties in identifying their passion. So, the colour of the tie worked because I attracted what I intended to attract. I did not give out any business card because I give to people only who are pre-qualified prospects. Thats something I learnt from Joel. If you are good, people will look for you and ask you to help. You dont need to be desperate to hand out your cards in order to secure more business. its kind of interesting idea. So, for those who are going to KL this week, enjoy Joels session. If you would like to go, please register because no walk-in is allowed. Use the link below to get yourself register and enjoy a jam-packed 2-day with Joel. goo.gl/fXXGsV For those who are attending the P2P in Singapore in November, will it be held in a place which can hold 3,000 to 4,000 people? We will see. The ticket is worth US$3,000 and by showing up, you will get Joels full scholarship which means that you pay $0 to attend P2P. So, register now and commit to you. Life will never be the same: goo.gl/fXXGsV Thanks for watching my videos. Appreciate comments from you and sharing of this post to your loved ones!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:09:37 +0000

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