kARENA jUAL-bELI, KARENA rELASI DAGANG, Persaingan pOLITIK - TopicsExpress


kARENA jUAL-bELI, KARENA rELASI DAGANG, Persaingan pOLITIK BERUJUng pada pemusnahan, pengkafiran, penghalalan darah sesama umat manusia. Membela Palestina dengan serampangan tanpa mengikuti dalil Syariat ibarat memakan daging babi demi kemashalatan penduduk Muslim Palestina. Perbuatan haram dilakukan untuk hal yang baik. Itu sebabnya Manhaj Salafi melarang keras Politik, bahwa salafi melarang pembentukan partai politik dan keagamaan di negeri kaum muslimin yang dipimpin oleh seorang penguasa muslim. Salafi melarang hal tersebut karena beberapa alasan. Di antara alasan pokoknya adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, terpecahnya kaum muslimin menjadi berbagai aliran keagamaan atau pun berbagai partai politik adalah fenomena yang memilukan sekaligus perilaku yang terlarang karena bertabrakan dengan berbagai ayat al Qur’an dan berbagai hadits Nabi. ustadzaris/partai-politik-menurut-salafi Apart of this, all the Jewish Prophets, including Moses (PBUH) and Abraham (PBUH) are honorable and respected by all Muslims without any discrimination or doubt and Muslim faith can not be completed without believe on Israeli Prophets (PBUH). Undoubtedly Jews and Arabs both are descendant of the Prophet Abraham (PBUH), but it is a lamentable fact that instead of developing mutual love as a result of these common grounds, the Jews and Muslims developed mutual animosity over the centuries. Despite so much misunderstanding and bemused situation between the Jewish and Muslims, in fact, there are several common factors that could instigate to have a better relationship instead of antagonism. As a matter of fact, monotheist Islam and Judaism originating in same Semitic culture. On the contrary Christianity originated by interaction of ancient Greek and Hebrew cultures. Fundamentally Islam is very near to Judaism in its religious outlook, structure, jurisprudence and practice with the difference that traditionally Torah is in the scroll form and the Quran is in the codex form. As a matter of fact, the primary cause of this hostility has political and economical origin. After dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and end of World War II, the United Nations gave a portion of the land which was inhabited by the Palestinians to the Jewish people as a new state Israel. Arabs protested vehemently against the Israel occupying their land. Since, there has been great abhorrence and bellicosity between tiny Israel and its Arab neighbors as Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt. I am a prominent supporter of Israel, strongly believe that the return of the Jews to their Holy land and the formation of the Israel are not against the Holy Quran or the Islam and there is nothing wrong in establishment of this country. There is no question or doubt that Jerusalem was established by the Israeli King cum Prophet David (PBUH) and his son Suleiman the magnificent who was also a Prophet (PBUH). Due to Jesus (PBUH) Jerusalem and Bethlehem are holiest cities for Christians too. As far as Muslims’ concerned their lull is mere a yarn or fairy tale, Night Journey or the ‘Isra Al Mirage’ of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is related to his migration from Mecca to Medina nothing concerned with Jerusalem. arabsforisrael.blogspot/
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 14:57:48 +0000

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