kekawan..i dpt ni dari satu sumber..jus sharing.. So what truth - TopicsExpress


kekawan..i dpt ni dari satu sumber..jus sharing.. So what truth do you want? That the plane crashed? No, you wont accept it. The plane was hijacked? No also. The plane landed somewhere? Again No. The plane is lost and will NEVER be found? A big No No. Then what do you really want to hear? Do you even know WHAT you want to hear? So what is truth then? NOW, you want the truth? You really want the truth? Ok . . . . . The truth is -- until about a couple of hours ago with the Australian preliminary interpretation of the commercial satellite imagery -- NOBODY KNOWS. Not Malaysia, not China, not America, nobody knows. Thats why everyone and his uncle from almost 30 countries plus millions online worldwide have been searching millions of square km of land and the deep blue ocean. Sure, I sympathize with your grief. But again, others lost their loved ones too and suffer from the same uncertainty as well. I repeat, Malaysia lost 50 passengers and crew, including some of our best and brightest. And passengers from 13 other countries and territories were also on that flight and suffered the exact same fate as your loved ones. BUT I dont see Malaysians, Indonesians, Australians, Indians or Americans go berserk and throw bottles at Malaysia Airlines staffers and verbally abuse caregivers. Did grieving Malaysian next-of-kin throw bottles and spit at your embassy officials and representatives in KL over the irrelevant satellite image furnished in the name of your government, which led to the deployment of our SAR assets in the middle of the South China Sea to unravel a lead that turned out to be a sick prank among many untruths and distortions spewed by your countrys social media? So why must only you people display this unbridled anger and frustration over something beyond the control of anyone, any airline, any search party, any national leader, any country, even the planet itself? Still not satisfied? Still want to bash Malaysia at every turn while you partake in all the free food, 4-star accommodation, counseling and transportation provided by Malaysia Airlines although the bulk of your kins tickets were actually purchased from China Southern Airlines in a Code Share? What has China Southern Airlines done? Next to nothing. Zilch. My message to these people: there is something called Compassion Fatigue. Your antics in Beijing and KLIA beamed over the global media has pushed many genuinely caring Malaysians towards this state of mind. AND to the Western Media, remember, there are 239 souls on MH370, not just 152. The world has witnessed the antics of the families of the 152. Why dont you people now focus on the other 87 families who by and large handled this very difficult times with dignity underlain by brave acceptance of Gods will. #PrayForMH370
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 02:12:14 +0000

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