Keylonta: (Keylontic Science - - TopicsExpress

   Keylonta: (Keylontic Science - KS) Keylontic Science derives its name from the word Keylon. (Voyager II – Page452) It is the language of the “Symbol Codes” (Subconscious from your perspective). The intrinsic, interior geometric-electric and magnetic structures that create the foundations for all form and structure within the dimensional systems. (See: Keylontic Science: Uses, Science & Spirituality, Science of Vibrational Mechanics) A language of light, sound, pulsation and vibration of energy, and the method by which form is created and maintained within our system. It represents the living codes of matter and all biologies built upon them. The Keylonta Codes set everything from the type of body you will manifest through the genetics of your biology to the very chemical, hormonal and energetic functions which keep the body in motion. It is the key to your known and unknown universe. Keylonta is not merely a language as you think of it, but a tool, communications being one of its applications. Its dynamics are used in teaching and healing, but also in the literal formation of reality constructions where it serves as the structure upon which manifestations are built. (Voyager I – Page25) Keylonta is the new (but very old) cosmology. It is the science of light, sound the subconscious symbol codes (Light Symbol Codes – which affect the way energy moves through the energy structure and biology structure) and the Base Codes of matter (Called Keylons Codes - they direct the contours of entry upon which forms are built). Is the Science of creation, of the underlying structure of what matter is created from. It is the underlying structure of consciousness. It is the science of creation and consciousness. It is the science of microcosms and macrocosms interrelationship. It is the science of energy dynamics through which matter forms and consciousness manifest. It is the science of biological (physical), consciousness (spiritual) evolution. It is the science of humanity’s relationship to its source and the cosmos. It is the science of construction, perceptions and potentials of human organism and consciousness. It is the science of the structure of multidimensional universe, humanity’s multidimensional identity and humanity’s relationship with other multidimensional life forms. It is the science of the human soul and the family tree of consciousness out of which all of us emerge. It is the science of DNA activation, genetic imprinting, cellular memory and transmutation of form. – Through understanding the dynamics of Keylonta we can literally change the way our DNA operates, and the DNA governs the structure of our physical body and our physical body will determine what type of consciousness we are able to bring in to our minds, our conscious mind, while we are here. There is an intimate connection within spirit - your spiritual aspect, your higher dimensional aspects - and consciousness moving through the body. Because you can have a wonderful level of developed consciousness in the higher dimensions but if you have a neurological structure that it is not able to handle the current of all that electrical information you wont have access that at your conscious levels. Keylonta gives us the tools and understanding of our parts enough so we can start to expand the potentials of our body, so we can bring more of our consciousness and awareness, so we can bring more of our soul into manifestation here. It is the science of dimensional ascension, teleportation, bi-location and generation of identity by teaching you how to change vibrational rate of your molecular structure. It is the science that explores the dynamics of time, space and matter and how those qualities of externalized reality are created and what are they really and what they appear to be. We will find for example that time is not linear, as we perceive it to be, but simultaneous in nature, that all takes place in a non-space reality and that matter is actually a holographic illusion created by the refraction of energy particles and light and sound frequencies. We find that things are much different that what our five senses tell us how they are. It is the science of ultra-micro-particle & anti-particle dynamics. It is the science of the 12 human senses, not just the five. There are 6 primary elements in the Science of Keylonta: (Keylontic Science) 1) Partiki 2) Partiki Grids 3) Keylons (See: Keylontic Science: Uses) 4) Keylon Codes 5) The Crystal Body or Morphogenetic Field (MF) 6) Light – Symbol Codes (The Amenti Series 1 Classes - DVD 1) Foundations of Keylontic Science (Keylonta) arise out of larger category of multidimensional scientific study known as the Science of Vibrational Mechanics. (Voyager II – Page 451) ♥ (¯`v´¯) .`•.¸.•´ ★ ¸.•´.•´¨) ¸.•¨) (¸.•´(¸.•´ (¸.•¨¯`* ♥ The AMCC-MCEO-GA EFFI-Project The E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum / AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host Mission™ ARhAyas Productions / The Tan-Tri-Ahura™ Series Teachings / 2014 Conscious Yoga Movements™ / MCEO Freedom Teachings / Keylontic Science / Kathara Healing AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cosminyahas Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Guardian Alliance E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum Initiative And “Eternal Freedom Field Intelligence.” EFFI= Electro-thermoplasm-Flame-Field-Infinitum EFFI stands for the full essence of the Krystar From Which We Come. EFFI flows are called the Flows of Eternal Love. Sites: elaisafreedomforum/ aeteamspace/newcomers/index.html arhayas/ consciousyogamovements/ azuritepress/index.php A user friendly quick reference tool where all the information can be seen and accessed similar to a site map: myhq/public/m/a/maharata/ Index of Keylontic Science Concepts: Related: ascensionglossary/index.php/Main_Page ascensionwhispers/ energeticsynthesis/ krysticindigo/ 2minds1choice/ blogtalkradio/adayara-budaea arekonline/ findingauthentichappiness/ krystalsinger/ lifepurposehelp/ Workshop Chronology: azuritepress/products_us/workshop_chronology.php#.UbXZp_nWRv8 Groups: Google group:!forum/mceo-alhumbhra-mc AASSFM - Bio-Spiritual Artisans Forum: https://facebook/groups/BioSpiritual.Artisans/?fref=ts - facebook/groups/422732151147287/ Indigos: facebook/groups/indigos/ Awake n Aware Spiritual Soulution Focus Movement: facebook/groups/awakenaware/ Arhayas Productions: https://facebook/Arhayas?fref=nf ELAisa Freedom Forum Initiative: https://facebook/elaisafreedom?fref=ts Keylontic Dictionary: https://facebook/KeylonticDictionary The Actitude™ Channel https://youtube/channel/UCqmkn2_ORBLLpQWNTfW-DhA AzuritePressInc youtube channel: youtube/user/AzuritePressInc All videos on youtube: youtube/playlist?list=PLVC0ors5JkfxGuPCnUlQ0L5Pou_F4welZ Youtube related: https://youtube/channel/UCcNp61jE5T1MBNzDrFm21Cg?feature=watch youtube/user/krystalriverflow/videos youtube/user/2SistersChat youtube/channel/UCbhWE1P8zQAFnZmgQgLgjxQ/videos https://youtube/user/EnergeticSynthesis/videos PROJECT CAMELOT: KERRY CASSIDY INTERVIEWS Anna Hayes (ASHAYANA DEANE) projectcamelotproductions/interviews/ashayana_deane/ashayana_deane.html?sms_ss 12 attitudes and responsibilities of mastery azuritepress/techniques/attitudes_responsibilities.php Six Steps Towards Joy: greenyourspirit/2010/04/six-steps-towards-joy/ A couple book samples: Voyagers The Sleeping Abductees Volume I of the Emerald Covenant CDT-Plate Translations: smashwords/extreader/read/30797/1/voyagers-the-sleeping-abductees-volume-i-of-the-emerald-covenant-cdt-plate-translations Angelic Realities The Survival Handbook Ashayana Deane, Ekr. MC Published by Wild Flower Press at SmashWords Copyright ©2011 Ashayana Deane All rights reserved: smashwords/extreader/read/40832/1/angelic-realities-the-survival-handbook Crucial information regarding 2012 by the Guardian Alliance: The Beloveds recommend that everyone using MCEO techniques to complete this guided journey at least ONCE before engaging any new techniques, or before continuing practice of any older techniques: JOURNEY to the ARI-ARhAYas AL-Uma-Un-Core of the Krystar Seed Atom.mp3 (august 2012): al-hum-bhra/Aug2012/ arekonline/down/index.php?button=Download%3A+08%2F20%2F2012+JOURNEY+Here&download_file=JOURNEY+to+the+ARI-ARhAYas+08-20-2012.mp3 January 3, 2013 Journey to ARhAyas Island (MP3)(april 2013): mediafire/download/ztfoknr2409hlxc/The_Return_to_ARhAyas_Island.mp3 CRITICAL UPDATE: CLICK TO DOWNLOAD AUDIO OF MAY 2012 WORKSHOP FINAL SESSION REGARDING SUSPENSION OF SPEAKERS 2 & 3 CONTRACTS (MP3): sendspace/file/mq5xok arekonline/down/index.php?button=Download+Mon+28th+May+2012+-+Final+Session.mp3&download_file=Mon+28th+May+2012+-+Final+Session.mp3 About the Mass Drama —— the Communication between Azurite Press and I 2013-03-18 11:52:59 douban/note/267065808/ azuritepress/articles/aboutus2013.php#.UtlztPRFCIU 2012-6-7 the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra arbitration Parliament Roundup: about the Uby race and Christo destruction agenda. Incubi, Succubi, Ubys, FAtalE, Dark Flowering:!msg/mceo-alhumbhra-mc/ZKVXTqi-qW4/80eFUCtcbRUJ As of May 2012, AMCC-MCEO Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana is no longer affiliated with Azurite Press Inc. (AP), nor does she have any part in AP’s current business or website operations. Azurite Press, Inc. in conjunction with Adashi MCEO, L.L.C. are currently being run and operated by Ex-Speaker 2 Asan (Michael) Deane, Ex- Speaker 3 Mary Anne Callaway (Mac), and their associates. The Speakers 2 & 3 contracts were formally and publicly revoked during the May 2012 workshop and they are no longer recognized as legitimate representatives of the AMCC-MCEO and various Kryst Councils. Despite the fact that Speaker-1 is not currently receiving any proceeds from the sale of her own work produced before May 2012, students are still encouraged to purchase past workshops and materials from AP as they are still the only production source for the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series. For more details and updates from E’Asha, please refer to the official MCEO – AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils Google Group. The Cycle of the Kryst © Azurite Press Inc. 2013 Azurite Press Inc. will share with the reader information surrounding the events of the Big Date of December 21, 2012: azuritepress/articles/cycle_of_the_kryst.php#.UuRwexBFDIU December 31st 2012 - 13 Days of Kryst-Mass: EAshas 13 Days of Kryst-Mass Posting - Welcome to Aurora Ascension Earth!: Earth Reclaims its Birthright of Ascension via success of the Krystal River Host AL-Hum-Bhra (AMCC) Fail-Safe Mission December 21,2012-January 3, 2013: arhayas/pages/dispensation-dec2012 The 5 Stages of the Silver-Seed Awakening & the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host™: elaisafreedomforum/pages/silverseed “Where the Twain Shall Meet”: Purpose of the AMCC-MCEO-GA™ translations, the AMCC-MCEO-Krystal River Fail-Safe Host™ Mission and the Silver-Seed Awakening: elaisafreedomforum/pages/twain About E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum, AMCC-MCEO, LLC: elaisafreedomforum/pages/about-eff About the AMCC-MCEO-GA™ translations & MCEO Freedom Teachings Series™: elaisafreedomforum/pages/amccandft The AMCC-MCEO-GA™ EFFI-Project™ the E-LAi-sa Freedom Forum, AMCC-MCEO, LLC Website: elaisafreedomforum/pages/amccwebsite Workshop - Dec 18 - 21st, 2013: arhayas/pages/dec2013 April 2 - 15, 2014 - Aruba - The 1st Annual AMCC-MCEO ShiftMasters™ Immersion Program Retreat: learningthrutravel/Aruba2014.html ARhAyas August 2014 Workshop - Program Summary https://dropbox/s/2gyigg0pjtpfix4/ARhAyas%20August%202014%20Workshop%20-%20Program%20Summary.pdf ARhAyas August 2014 Workshop - Program Summary Full https://dropbox/s/nn9jfftvhp1xqnk/Aug2014%20Itinerary%20Detailed.PDF# Good news that I think I can share from Dec 2013 Workshop, per Eshas confirmation, that WE All...have the opportunity with the frequencies that were just anchored and the new techniques to heal 100% the F (Dark Flowering) Affliction, if we choose to. Update April 2014: If it helps evolve awareness in any way it doesnt all have to agree with itself. Everybody can have their own approach and opinions. At this point the frequencies on this planet, because of that invisible war thing weve been going through with the Fail Safe period - that is done. The Fail Safe was activated, the planetary grids are safe, the planet is evolving in a very positive direction. So, theres not the need to worry about those who dont agree with you anymore, right. Im not even going to get into the FAtalE stuff anymore because it doesnt matter because you cant be, we cant be harmed with it now. And theres a lot of people that had that incarnational problem, who still do, and the host will be available to them, too. So now we get to see where we do agree, instead of before we needed to differentiate between the frequencies that were coming in from the Metatronic side because they were doing damage and they were doing damage to your fields, and they were doing damage to your being, and your incarnational what you could do next, and also the planet. But thats a done deal. And the organic Krystic side has won that energy war. So we can move forward in a way thats about bringing together similar ideas even if they are not exact. - EAsha Subject Matter: The Current Documented Facts pertaining to the legal ownership of the Intellectual Property called the “MCEO-Freedom Teachings™”, the “Azurite Press Website” (azuritepress/) and related social media as of June 26, 2014-July 4, 2014: Link to Documents: Link 1: https://dropbox/s/k6tqcsm38dg3j24/Factually%20Speaking%20-%20Current%20Documented%20facts%20of%20Clarity%20via%20AMCC-MCEO-GA.pdf Link 2: Link 3: gallery.mailchimp/79129261cc696b7a668d65da7/files/9e138f8f-1361-4421-9b91-5d2a9607b8af.pdf Where is the LOVE? Many of you, upon encountering the MCEO teachings of the “Inner Christ”, immediately recognized and embraced the magnitude of absolute, unconditional love that is embodied within these teachings. However, others of you have cried “Where is the Love?”, as you have inadvertently projected your own present inability to identify, perceive or feel genuine absolute love onto us, accusing us of being “unloving” because we have returned to you the gift of truth, revelation and differentiation; a Christiac truth that inherently returns one to the necessity of personal responsibility and accountability. Here you have not been taught the falsehood that genuine love, spiritual enlightenment and personal power can be reclaimed by patronizing a “magic genie-God parent-figure in the sky”; instead you have been gently guided back unto yourselves, and to the innate love, power, responsibility and accountability of the God-Source-Within you. To those of you who sound this cry, might we say to you, “The Love is ALL AROUND YOU and WITHIN ALL THINGS; it is within every molecule of all creation, within the eternal and perpetual Absolute Love of God-Source, within you and within all of creation. Absolute Love simply beams from each page of the knowledge we have returned to you, and through each cell of those whom we have elected as our earthly representative Speakers. The effective question Dear Ones is not “Where IS the Love”, it is “Why can YOU not feel its presence?”, for if you ask yourselves the latter question instead of hiding within the self-denial implied by the former, you have taken a first step in recognizing the present absence of the frequency of absolute unconditional love within yourselves; an absence which you project outward onto an innocent, love-filled manifest creation, obscuring your own ability to perceive the love that is always there by the distortion lenses of your own perceptual filters. You will see, know and touch the absolute love within others, us, our works, our representatives, within the external hologram and within the very fiber of creation, when you apply free will choice to discovering, allowing, embodying, becoming, BEing and freely giving the Divine Unconditional God-Source-Love WITHIN YOU, which you can only accomplish through recognition, respect and reverence for the Living God-Source Within. Are we “unloving” because we have reminded you that you, as all, are responsible and accountable for your choices; because we have loved you enough to expose ideas, agendas and actions through which your own God-Source-Within has been repeatedly denied? As long as you deny the vitality of the Living God-Source Within you (such as in worship of external god-personifications, reliance upon “angels” for guidance, believing that you are a disempowered victim, etc), you will be unable to perceive or receive the genuine love that is given to you by others, by the Universe and by God-Source. The answer to the question of “Where is the Love?” is the sincere affirmation that “I AM THE LOVE” and a firm commitment to embodying through action, thought and creed, this eternal Christiac ideal. When you choose At-One-ment with the Living God-Source within you, you will know the love, Be the love, embody the love, and thus you will see reflected everywhere around you the reality of the LOVE that is the foundation of all creation. The degree to which you recognize and embrace the eternal love of the God-Source-Within you will be the degree to which you are able to identify, experience, recognize and embrace the eternal love that is always present within all aspects of your external hologram. Copyright A&A Deane “God Loves, Laughs, Dances and Sings, and in this way Creation is perpetually reborn.” - Ashayana Deane ♥ (¯`v´¯) .`•.¸.•´ ★ ¸.•´.•´¨) ¸.•¨) (¸.•´(¸.•´ (¸.•¨¯`* ♥
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:28:58 +0000

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