kode program Insert, Update, Delete & Search Values in MS Access - TopicsExpress


kode program Insert, Update, Delete & Search Values in MS Access 2003 dari VB NET NI AJ UD PUYENG OTAK MIKIRINNYA .....;...... Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim cnnOLEDB As New OleDbConnection Dim cmdOLEDB As New OleDbCommand Dim cmdInsert As New OleDbCommand Dim cmdUpdate As New OleDbCommand Dim cmdDelete As New OleDbCommand Dim strConnectionString = Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= & System.Environment.CurrentDirectory & \TestDB.mdb Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load cnnOLEDB.ConnectionString = strConnectionString cnnOLEDB.Open() End Sub Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click txtAearchResult.Text = Dim vSearch As String = InputBox(Enter Integer number to search name:) If vSearch Then cmdOLEDB.CommandText = SELECT Au_ID, Author FROM Authors WHERE Au_ID= & CInt(vSearch) cmdOLEDB.Connection = cnnOLEDB Dim rdrOLEDB As OleDbDataReader = cmdOLEDB.ExecuteReader If rdrOLEDB.Read = True Then txtAearchResult.Text &= rdrOLEDB.Item(0).ToString & & rdrOLEDB.Item(1).ToString rdrOLEDB.Close() Exit Sub Else MsgBox(rdrOLEDB.Close() Record not found) Exit Sub End If Else MsgBox(Enter search value.) Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub btnInsert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click If txtAu_ID.Text And txtAuthor.Text Then cmdInsert.CommandText = INSERT INTO Authors (Au_ID, Author) VALUES ( & xtAu_ID.Text & , & txtAuthor.Text & ); MsgBox(cmdInsert.CommandText) cmdInsert.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmdInsert.Connection = cnnOLEDB cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() MsgBox(txtAu_ID.Text = Record inserted.) txtAuthor.Text = Else MsgBox(Enter the required values: & vbNewLine & 1. Au_ID & vbNewLine & 2.Author) End If cmdInsert.Dispose() End Sub Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click If txtAu_ID.Text And txtAuthor.Text Then cmdUpdate.CommandText = UPDATE Authors SET Author = & txtAuthor.Text & WHERE Au_ID = & txtAu_ID.Text & ; MsgBox(cmdUpdate.CommandText) cmdUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmdUpdate.Connection = cnnOLEDB cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery() MsgBox(txtAu_ID.Text = Record updated.) txtAuthor.Text = Else MsgBox(Enter the required values: & vbNewLine & 1. Au_ID & vbNewLine & 2.Author) End If cmdUpdate.Dispose() End Sub Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click If txtAu_ID.Text Then cmdDelete.CommandText = DELETE FROM Authors WHERE Au_ID = & txtAu_ID.Text & ; MsgBox(cmdDelete.CommandText) cmdDelete.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmdDelete.Connection = cnnOLEDB cmdDelete.ExecuteNonQuery() MsgBox(txtAu_ID.Text = Record deleted.) txtAuthor.Text = cmdDelete.Dispose() Else MsgBox(Enter the required values: & vbNewLine & 1. Au_ID) End If cmdUpdate.Dispose() End Sub End Class
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:56:01 +0000

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