l l Repressive laws, human rights, and freedom of expression by - TopicsExpress


l l Repressive laws, human rights, and freedom of expression by Farhad Mazhar l l Aug 27, 2013 Mahmudur Rahman had spent prison time and suffered torture for contempt of court in the past. He was arrested the second time and tortured in police remand. His ideological opponents were thrilled at this and his supporters fought for him. There are, of course, a separate group of people who deem the violation of civil and human rights of any person unacceptable, including Mahmudur Rahman’s civil and human rights. They made it known that they do not support the ideology and politics of Mahmudur Rahman but they nonetheless considered it vital to support his rights. That is why they protested against his arrest and suppression of his opinion. Without this kind of protests the state power can become a terrifying tool for repression. The powerful then put it into use and makes the society and state a place of fear. The state is not an institution outside of the society and it can make the lives of the people very difficult. When the ruling party will leave the government the opposition can come to power and make things difficult for the opposition. Civil and human rights are at the very core of building a democratic state. If these rights are not acknowledged as foundations of the state then the citizens cannot expect that they will be upheld by the government when they seek them. A few things have become clear from observing the nature of civil and human rights violations in Bangladesh and from the reaction we see to those incidents. The people are mostly unaware why civil and human rights should be upheld and that is a matter of utmost importance. This is simply frightening. So when such an incident happens people are in the dark about its implications as to what that means constitutionally, legally, and politically. When we talk about the law we only talk about the law. There are certain procedures in law that needs to be maintained. It is the right of a citizen that those procedures will be maintained. But the society at large is seemingly unable to go anywhere beyond hurling insults and obscenity each other. It is only expected that those who do not support Mahmudur Rahman will criticize him and those who do will defend him. But when someone is arrested the subject of debate is not just the accused but we must discuss the constitution, the law, state and the government. That is why we criticize when the government uses repressive laws to arrest citizens and we demand that those repressive laws are abolished. The rule of law does not mean the rule of repressive law. Similarly one should not accept a constitution that breaches civil and human rights. Just because someone is accused of something does not mean that the accused is guilty, particularly when the law against which the accused was charged is repressive in nature. Differences of opinion is a sign of a healthy society. But first it is important to realize that the political growth and progression of a society depends on the intellectual capacity of that society to identify and raise the right questions and engage with each other in a meaningful manner. One such pertinent question is whether the colonial law of ‘contempt of court’ is congruent with a democratic society. Is it a ‘contempt’ to criticize the court without obstructing the judicial procedure? Is it ‘contempt’ to criticize the unethical conduct of a judge? Are the judges above law? How should they be made accountable? These are the basics of a democratic society but we have repeatedly failed to address these. I thought Mahmudur Rahman made a lot of enemies for himself. So, it is only expected that there will be a faction of powerful people who will want to punish him by any means they can conceive of, whether or not they are ethical. But the reaction to rights activist Adilur Rahman’s arrest has made it clear that the sickness of our society goes deep down. I am not even sure what would be the cure for this. I don’t know where this is taking us either. Instead of protesting the attempted kidnapping and the arrest of a human rights activist without any specific charges against him the opponents of Adilur Rahman justifying the action of the government by saying that the Odhikar report claiming 61 deaths is factually incorrect. So, he must be prosecuted under the Information & Communication Technology Act, 2006. If the report had been on the death of their ideological peers and not that of Hefazat-e-Islam men then there would not have been any uproar after the report from this particular quarter. Because Odhikar published other reports and no one suggested arresting its director. It should be recalled that the ‘specific charges’ against him have not yet been presented before the court but the police seized computers and other materials from his office. If we agree for the sake of argument that the report is factually incorrect does that justify his arrest? Isn’t section 57 of the Information & Communication Technology Act a repressive law? It was apparent that this law would be used to silence dissenting voices. Since the law has been enacted many people wrote against it warning about the danger of it. There is strong public opinion against it. Adilur could have been granted bail and the legal proceeding against him could still continue. But sadly, there are those apologists of oppression and persecution who are justifying this. The government has already taken measures to make the law even more repressive. The cabinet of ministers has approved an amendment to the law that will make the highest sentence longer. A few offenses against this Act have been made non-bail able. The amended law set out a minimum punishment of 7 years in prison and the maximum punishment is 14 years. Previously the maximum punishment was 10 years. The amendments allow the police to make arrest without warrant. Before the amendment the police needed the permission of the Cyber Tribunal Controller to press charges against someone. And police personnel had to be of at least the sub-inspector rank. There are no such requirements in the new amended law. The police can arrest anyone upon a complaint. Of course, there is provision for the police itself to be the complainant. At the time of Adilur Rahman’s arrest there was the requirement of prior permission under section 69. But the police had to arrest him under section 54 as they did not acquire prior permission. Now, with the new amendments in effect, the police can make arrest without warrant. Also a suspect under the new law will not get bail. Many people have asked the very reasonable question that why the people who claimed the number of death to be in the thousands were not arrested. Odhikar has stated that they are carrying out further investigation and the number of death may be higher. The government should have assisted Odhikar and put an end to the ‘genocide’ debate. The government should have felt relieved that Odhikar came up with a specific figure. The real reason behind the assault on Odhikar is not to uphold the Information Act but to stop its investigation. The government knows that further investigation will reveal more on what really happened on that fateful night and how many actually died. The government might face a complete different disaster still. The Awami League web site has a piece of document titled Reign of Terror 2001 – 2006. In it there is a claim that 21 thousand Awami League activists and leaders were murdered during the term of the BNP government. So, what is the basis of this figure? If the government wants a list of the names will Awami League be able to provide it? If it fails then wouldn’t charges be pressed and arrests made? Needless to say that Odhikar’s report was not baseless claims. Numbers can generate a lot of debates but the real issue here is that the government is terrified to reveal how many people died at the Shapla roundabout. There is absolutely no justification for not investigating the event by an independent commission. But the government would rather arrest a human rights activist. The excuse made by the foreign minister for Adilur’s arrest was not accepted by the diplomatic community. We must understand that the real debate is not about the number. The action of the government is purely political and the purpose is to punish and terrorize human rights activists. The real question is that can we agree to allow the police to arrest citizens without any charge against them? There is public opinion against torture in the police remand but we have failed to make that a political issue. if we cannot transcend our differences and cannot raise our voice together against repressive laws then it would quickly become impossible to express any dissenting views. The government is trying to control the population by trying to control the cyber world. It would be foolish to think that this can change overnight. Many more people will have to suffer state terrorism. And it will not be limited to a particular faction of the society. Like Mahmudur Rahman and Adilur Rahman Khan, bloggers Asif Mahiuddin, Mashiur Rahman, Biplob Adhikari Shubhro, and Russell Pervez were also arrested under the Information & Communication Technology Act, 2006. There should be a united opposition to this law. But sadly, everyone is willing to save their own people from this law and happily celebrate their opponents suffering by this law. Liberty for me and repression for my opponent – that’s the mentality of these people. We indeed are living in a sick society. The discussions and debates about freethinking and freedom of expression are endless. These are understood differently in different places. This is very natural. There is no need for contrived uniformity. We should try to create a consensus based on our own culture and preferences. I personally believe in the fullest extent of freedom of expression. Whether it is in books or in the cyber space, a person should be free to express his opinion as long as it does not slander another citizen. And the government must not interfere with this right. Those who think that Odhikar’s report is false what is preventing them from supporting an independent investigation? Is it because that will make Sheikh Hasina’s claim false? It is because the lies in the ministers’ statements will be exposed, isn’t it? What else it could be? The pertinent issue here is the freedom of expression. So, instead of arguing over people we should have discussions on implementing these basic rights. If we are willing to go down that road we might then discover what different people are thinking. We might even discover how far down we are in the hole. We will eventually have to get out of it, will we not? Source: bdinn/articles/repressive-laws-human-rights-and-freedom-of-expression/
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:58:58 +0000

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