last letter home Dear family and friends, During my mission i - TopicsExpress


last letter home Dear family and friends, During my mission i have learned a lot. i have not been here very long in Brazil but i learn a lot. more than i would have thought. especially about the gospel.i never thought i would have the testimony that i have now. i mean sure i thought yeah it would grow and be strong. i was fasting the other day because I wanted to be better and to do better and i started because i felt like i needed too. the Holy Ghost told me i needed to. so i was like alright i will. and it came to pass lol. that something happened that really stretched my faiht, patience and humility i mean i am calm generally but at times i can get mad. most defently. so i was fasting and something happened i was mad lol. pretty mad. but i remember just praying to Heavenly Father please help me with these things and at first i was like alright i will casually change my attitude and everything will be alright. but through time i was thinking you know whay. throughout my mission and my life Heavenly Father never abondoned me. not ever not once. so i changed my attitude completly and told myself I know with all my heart that everything will be alright and i increased my faith. after i did this a light flowed into my soul and I knew Heavenly Father loved me. i am not saying to say i have all these spiritual experinces but i am saying that I know that when we do our part Heavenly Father WILL do His part 100% of the time always. i know it. I know He loves us more than anything. I know it. i can see it and feel it everyday. my personal testimony of how much He loves me has grown so much that i cannot express my gratitude. but not only His love for me but for the whole world. Everyone that has ever lived. for each and every one of us. He knows all of us by name. we are not just passivley watched over. I know that Heavenly Father has His hands full of blessings always waitinf and wanting to bless us. and i know with all my heart that no matter where we are at in life, that not only Jesus Christ is waiting for us with His arms open but that He is running after us to save us. because He loves us more than we can imagine.i have a scripture that i really like in D&C 76:22. this is the testimonies about the prophet Joseph Smith and Sydney Rigdon that they saw Jesus Christ in a vision and that they testify He lives. I want to add my testimony to theirs that I know Jesus Christ lives. like i said never at any point in my life have i felt closer to Him thats why i wanted to share this hymn. i really like how it is sang here. it really is uplifitng. the hymns have helped me a lot. that i am able to the things that i do. i cannot do them without Jesus Christ there is no way it is just not possible.i am not comparing myself to anyone or anything i am just adding my testimony to those who have gone before me because their testimonies are stronger than mine. youtube/watch?v=WyxXGdG3-Io this is a video about the Book of Mormon. it was a talk given by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. it is really good. i wanted to share this for one i talk about it everyday. it is the most important thing we have. that through it, there is a promise (Moroni 10:3-5) that if we read and sencerily want to know it is true we can pray and ask Heavenly Father and He will answer. I know and i testify of this. that when i was younger i read and i asked hey is this book true. i recrieved an answer that i cannot deny, that is true absolutly true. i know with every particle in my body. that is important to know the Book of Mormon is true, because when we know we recieve a testimony that Joseph Smith was really a prophet of God. that through Jospeh we have a prophet today. President Thomas S. Monson. it also testifies of Jesus Christ and His Atoning sacrifice. something that is very real. and i have testimony that as sure as i live the Atonement is real. its something we can use and through it we will be able to return to Heavenly Father with our families and live together as families forever. something that i want everyone to have. that is why i am serving a mission. to invite others unto Christ. However, it is true that i think the mission is more for the missionary than it is who he teaches. I have learned more about the gospel about than at any other time in my life. not gospel doctrine but the fundamentals of the Church. more than anything the most important thing to me is that I know my Reedemer Lives, because of this and the Book of Mormon everything else falls into place. it does not matter what happens. yes life is not always easy but its okay because `´´God is at the Helm`´ everything will be alright He will not lead us astray. youtube/watch?v=CkKblIMfmjI I am sorry that if i spell anything wrong. with the spell check everything is red lol because it is in portuguse and i dont remember everything in english. i really do forget how to spell some words. it just happens. but my message is still the same. that even though i am here preaching the gospel 24 hours away that you are my family. people who i care about and love and i would do anything for my family and friends. so i am sending a quick email to let everyone know i love them and to bear my testimony of the gospel because it is the best thing that i am able to give anyone. dont worry i wont forget anyone of you. and there is no need to email every week. but i will because it is one thing i can do lol. i really to enjoy my email time and i am grateful we have them because in the times before like the other side of heaven he did not so i am grateful. i am grateful for all of you. for all the love and support i have recieved throughtout my life. i tell everyone i have the best family and friends. everywhere i go. its true. but i will continue to pray for each and everyone of you. if you ever need anything just let me know. its true you will not get a response until monday but it will come lol. but also on the football side of life my team is doing really well though lol. the biggest blessing i have recieved!! jk haha no but i hope they continue doing well. because i really do love football everyone of you know that. it is true that if i have any success in my life it si from either football, my family or the Church. and of the weaknesses i have are of my own fault. without those three sources in my life i do not know where i would be. but thats okay because we always have the atonement to hep us through everything!!I hope everyone has a great week!!! Love Elder Jones
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:11:20 +0000

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