last night Erik Germanovich challenged me to the cold water - TopicsExpress


last night Erik Germanovich challenged me to the cold water challenge. Admittedly, I think this is a really lame challenge and that’s coming from a guy who once chugged two beers in a row within 5 minutes of one another for another stupid internet challenge that had nothing to do with any charity or good cause. I go into it a bit in the video but I want to explain my stance on this and why I am not challenging anyone else to it. Mainly, I find it kind of shitty that this strong arms people into donating to charity. That should never be the way charity works. It’s like…peer pressure for a good cause, which makes it kind of shitty. “IF YOU DON’T DO THIS YOUR A NERD AND DON’T CARE ABOUT OTHERS.” Also, I feel this challenge is very poorly executed because most of the time I’ve seen it, it’s with the context “so I was challenged to donate $100 to ALS research, or dump cold water on my head.” That’s something anyone can do to avoid giving money to a cause. I get it, it’s to raise awareness and all that but still, it seems really counter productive and almost anti-charitable to me. 90% of the people who are challenged will think “DONATE $100!?! OH NO! I’M NOT DOING THAT!” That paints charity in the wrong light. You’re supposed to donate to one out of the goodness of your heart because you want to help the cause, not because someone online told you you have it. I don’t think this challenge is all bad, since it is actually stated that the alternative to not donating $100 is donate $10 and do the water thing but that’s still something I don’t agree with. This is like one of those dumb ass chain letter emails that’s like “IF YOU DON’T FORWARD THIS TO 15 FRIENDS BAD LUCK WILL HAUNT YOU FOR 7 YEARS.” I think it’s great we’re raising awareness (and more importantly funds, since this IS generating a lot of donations…I mean hell, I just donated $25) for such a good cause, I just think there’s a better way to do it that’s in more of a charitable spirit than peer pressure. Another thing that bothers me about this is earlier this year I donated to another fantastic cause called charity: Water which has the sole purpose of raising money to give third world countries access to clean water that they are in dire need of and to cut out the excessive waste of water that happens in our society. So I can’t help but feel guilty about just dumping water all over myself and seeing everyone else do the same thing. I’m not trying to make this a black and white issue here because yes, this has done a lot of good, I just don’t think it’s entirely right and I’d be remiss if I didn’t make my stance clear on this. Also, I tried to make my video of this lame challenge as not lame as possible by first lighting my shirt on fire but that did not work out, so I apologize for my lack of a good video and for the crappy lighting but whatever. That’s all I have to say about that.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:02:04 +0000

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