last nights radical change in temperature was hard on leo. he - TopicsExpress


last nights radical change in temperature was hard on leo. he ended up in a winter jacket and sweat shirt. the game itself boiled down the fans to their essence. only the tough, drunk , hard nuggets remained. as he described the crowd it reminded of those in the late seventies when a friend and i would go the last home stand of the year. i was always against the mets. both teams were terrible. it was hot (only day games). the few fans there (in the four to five thousand range) you could hear everything. chats of unfortunate unofficial nicknames, gambling on anything, the last stop for all the local postal workers. their carts would be lined up in the concourse. special moments as a ball club falls the last few feet in the elevator shaft before hitting bottom. last night as the locals fell way behind early, many just left the cold conditions. the team did a noble gesture to some of their players who will departing soon. many scouts were in the press box. the players including pitchers were showcased for an inning or two in hopes of having a team pick up interest in their future, many of these guys will be gone by the end of the month. leos favorite(the one with the popular shirts worn only by fellow players)pitched two successful innings. when he finished he hug each player as they left the field. a rare gesture at the end of the seventh in a losing affair but very moving. batters who days are numbered came up for pinch hitting and symbolically said goodbye to unaware fans.. as leo explained, in the midst of this meaningless loss, teammates and friends were saying goodbye. it is a business and they are independent contractors who go will work is available for them but some have a sense to take time and develop friendships along the way. they have a shared sense of being through these times together. fans, mostly cold and drunk, just booed and catcalled unaware during these sad moments for the players on the field. just one more loss and disappointment to them. for the few players, a precious few, they took time to bid others adieu. circumstances change, places and uniforms are different but the memories and friendships endure. leo wiped a tear away, patted my knee and went to bed. ella then followed like the good trouper she is.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:59:11 +0000

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