lately i have had a lot of time to be on facebook read some of - TopicsExpress


lately i have had a lot of time to be on facebook read some of the post and actually do some home work and believe me i think this page is very informative but i also believe that when it comes to certain things to do with the town of plymouth public works union contract some people may want to do there home work,so i feel that its my duty as president of the union to give some insight. 1) the public works employees have not recieved a 3% raise or anything near it since 2009/2010 also each year our health co-pay goes up 1% and on occasion if the towns preminums go up well so does our co-pay even more 2) there has been a lot of talk always around the budget time reguarding our 1/2 hour overtime that we get a day, first of all this was brought foward by the Mayor and PW director and PW superintentant over 10 years ago because they did not want the employees to have a lunch, so in return for not lettings us take a lunch the town offered us 1/2 of overtime and we took it and a little more insight 3 years ago we offered to talk about this item in the contract and the Mayor, PW director,PW superintedent and the Human Resorse person all said NO so to blame the union is BS 3) The Union and myself in recent months have personally told a number of people on the republican ticket how the town could save between 40 and 65 thousand dollars out of the PW budget employee budget and again was told NOT INTRESTED 4)as it is true the the PW contract does end in june there has been no meetings ,no no proposals so there has been no talk on rasies ,overtime ,nothing but i do find it funny that nobody is talking about the UAW ,who are in negotiations and are looking to recieve 15% rasies over the next 3 years . so it must be ok to give managment raises,perks,overtime,what ever they need because they must be the ones who are actually out there working. 5) and last in the public sector a truck drive at O&G and TILCON average pay is 24-26 dollars ,truck drivers in plymouth get 18-21 i am not writng this to start any trouble or to slap anyone down but i would wish that all of the town of plymouth problems not be put soley on the public works employees.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 11:28:28 +0000

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