left my house at 10;22 ran to the end of morley drive then down - TopicsExpress


left my house at 10;22 ran to the end of morley drive then down the lenth of st johns road continued along cheif[Chief Street]street .ending up on downham road ,going though a heavy sprung metal gate to the path across the grass and into the reception of highfields school .The stern metal haired receptionist had her back to me i hesitated before picking up the little bell on the left and gave it a joyless swing ,up to the left and down quietly .hello boris she said [she is not stern but her normally relaxed countenance has a neutral relaxed quality which lends it self to be intially mis represented by me ].i have a pound i blurt out .. for tom for a ...children in need bracelet ...i did not bring it earlier i brought the other pound for the you know no uniform thing but i forgot this one and i know he wanted one of these so here s a pound .She get the box of bracelets out and i give her the pound do you want to take it nowshe says no i said you do it what colour she says bluei said and tell him that i came in to give you the money thanks ta bye i said .I go though the automatic door and run off up downham road into ely town down fore hill past the carpet shop ,the nursery [fred is there today ]. i get to the level crossing and i go under it crossing the road after and forgetting to look right, cross in front of some on coming cars making that assumption that if i look at them continuously they will slow down and not kill me [sometimes when crossing the road I look before i get to the point where i an going to cross and make a mental calculation bearing in mind what appears to be there speed that i can get across the road quite safely without appearing to look as i cross from the perspective of the on coming vehicles ,this gives the impression i have just carelessly wandered into the road without a care in the world .... it makes me smile ].anyway i run up the road to stuntney turning right to get on to the cycle path to cambridge as i run along the tarmacked surface i note that for me the sun is at 10 o clock ,which means it is warming the area around my left shoulder as i run the path bears to the right and i note that the sun is now at 12 o clock and it is now warming my front ,and i am hot ,i take my hat of as i run past a black loamed trapezoid field ,the tarmac has given way to muddy puddled red soil and i can hear the breeze in the tall dry reeds on my left .......I get to barway and start to feel cold ,i look at some out buildings that belong to laburnam cottage they have a patchwork of different age corrugated iron roof pannels and the sides are made or heavily tarred wood .I start to run home .on the way home i go under the railway twice ,see a green woodpecker with a bright green back that seems to green for an ely november morning i see a largish muscular bird of prey on a fence post ,it moves off so i slow down as it settles again to get a better look .i see a man in a cowboy hat with an interesting self propelled wheelchair .i see a middle aged nordic woman running with a dog .some trains to london ipswitch ,birmingham and stanstead .i see an enomous bowl of blue fen sky utterly without blemmish .some squashed plastic bottles ,leaves ,some trees that have not noticed it is november and are still green ,some tired grandparents pushing well wrapped up kiddies ,i note the sun now on the black cotton of my back ,mostly the left ...i am tired and i get home at 11;55 have two cups of tea with sugar write this ,have another cup of tea and a shower and that it for now .........
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:12:05 +0000

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