leg·a·cy ˈleɡəsē/ • a thing handed down by a - TopicsExpress


leg·a·cy ˈleɡəsē/ • a thing handed down by a predecessor. While definition may appear simple, it seems that we take heed unto a deeper understanding of the term. Many of us deem the word as defining our time spent on earth, and the ways of which we have impacted it. There are great men throughout time that should be revered through the impactful changes they have made for the greater good of our societal structure, as well as advancements toward our civilization. However, not all of us should be so lucky, to be so gifted. To what do we think of the relationship between legacy, and the common man? One may discover that faced with such a question, answers begin to take on a new form of complexity. You may be asking yourself for the first time; what is your legacy? What sort of stamp will you leave upon this earth? How will your choices affect society for generations to come? What will be your wrinkle in time? Quickly thereafter, thoughts of goals accomplished, or lack there of will more than likely fill your mind. It is my belief however, that the legacy for the common man cannot be held back by the restraints of his acknowledgeable actions. Anyone who has the awareness to contemplate their own existence, or self worth, generally stumbles into thoughts of what they will leave behind. It is in human nature to reflect on our own legacy. What we conceptualize as our legacy, time and time again, is erroneously misguided. People often spend scrupulous hours devoted to building a legacy throughout their lives. Whether it be consciously or not, we devote ourselves to what we deem as passions. These devotions are generally directed toward tangible activities in which will bring us prowess and prestige amongst our peers. Or so we imagine. Many a time, we convince ourselves that if we reach a high enough status of recognition, our legacy can live on. For years to come, they will sing our songs. A vigorously driven person may convince themselves, that in fact their fervent measures are for the good of man kind. And rightly so, as in some cases a cure for a dire disease may be produced, or grievous injustice to our people will be abolished. But whether it be an underlining aspect, or the motivating force, there seems to be whispers of narcissism. Athletic capacity, engineering brilliance, artistic virtuosity, and a mastery of savoir faire are all at first glance honorable pursuits. Men will devote their entire lives to conquer any one of these facets to carry his name across time. However, as history has exhibited, very few have managed to do so spanning beyond a hundred years or so. How many superior athletes can you name dating back one hundred years ago? Is it probable that the average Joe could name one man who engineered a commodity that revolutionized the civilization of his time, a mere two hundred years ago? For men who come within near grasp of a feat that will stamp their name throughout time, and the rest who vehemently attempt to do so; have but one thing in common. This common denominator just so happens to inhibit these individuals from the very thing I believe to be the one true manner at which one can truly impact time. It is my belief that our substantial influence on the ages derives from the nature of the progeny we cultivate. Our decisions involving our children will not only send a ripple into society, but have an effect on generations to come. Choices, actions, and external variables become magnified once offspring are apart of the equation. Not only how one interacts with their own children, but also the conduct within every aspect of a parents life has an effect to the molding of their own kids thought processes. Good habits and poor traits begin and end with us as parenting mentors. We have the choice to filter out any negativity received while maturing from our youths, and stoking the fire of positive interaction. The fostering of an environment for our children to grow, learn, and succeed will be a greater investment of our time and efforts than most anything else will deserve. While you may not be a world changer with one solid notable action, you are changing the world with the next generation you have influence over. Who knows, you could be raising the great great great grandfather of our civilizations next progressive leader for human rights, or founder of a cure for a terrible disease. The heir to my name that is developed today, will have the impact of a thousand sons.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:45:11 +0000

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