leggete subito: Science 5 December 2014: Vol. 346 no. 6214 p. - TopicsExpress


leggete subito: Science 5 December 2014: Vol. 346 no. 6214 p. 1155 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa3796 Editorial The measure of research merit Marcia McNutt Marcia McNutt Editor-in-Chief Science Journals metto tutto il testo di Science: The measure of research merit Each year, $1.4 trillion are invested in research by governments, foundations, and corporations. Hun- dreds if not thousands of high-profile prizes and medals are awarded to the best researchers, boost- ing their careers. Therefore, establishing a reliable predictor of future performance is a trillion-dollar matter. Last month, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation convened an international assembly of lead- ers in academia, research management, and policy to discuss “Beyond Bibliometrics: Identifying the Best.” Current assessment is largely based on counting publica- tions, counting citations, taking note of the impact factor of the journals where research- ers publish, and derivatives of these such as the h-index. These approaches were severely criticized for numerous reasons, with shortcomings particularly apparent when assessing young scientists for prestigious, inter- disciplinary awards. It is time to develop more appropriate measures and to use the scien- tific method itself to help in this endeavor. The difficulty with assessing young scientists is well known. Their short career to date yields a brief publication record, mak- ing differences in the numbers of publications between can- didates statistically question- able. Faced with the challenge of gauging the worth of limited publications, evaluators might turn to journal impact factors. Using this as a proxy for the im- portance of a paper is just plain wrong. As compared with a pa- per published in a higher-impact journal, there is no as- surance that a paper published in a lower-impact journal is less important. Citations are a better proxy for how much impact a paper is having, but for young scientists and interdisci- plinary awards, this metric also has several limitations. For example, recent publications from young scientists have not yet accumulated citations. Altmetrics have been proposed as a possible solution: measuring downloads, page views, tweets, and other social media attention to published research. Analyses conducted by HighWire Press, the publisher of Science and many other academic journals, suggest that downloads of online papers poorly track eventual citations. This could indicate that some papers were found unworthy of being cited, or that some papers were influential, but just not cited because the author did not feel that the concept required a citation. Adding more context in referencing could reduce some ambiguity and encourage more appropriate referencing, but such proposals have not gained traction. Counting citations is also quantitatively inconsistent. If an author publishes a better method or an improved estimate for a physical parameter, other researchers who use those improvements are obligated to cite that paper. On the other hand, if a researcher pub- lishes a novel idea, it can rapidly move from unknown to common knowledge such that its citation lifetime is exceptionally brief. Furthermore, citation counts scale with the publications in a field. The lowering of quality barriers by some open-access publishers has generated a cita- tion explosion in some fields, boosting citation counts by pub- lishing papers that otherwise might not have been published. Consider a rather outrageous proposal. Perhaps there has been too much emphasis on bib- liometric measures that either distort the process or minimally distinguish between qualified candidates. What if, instead, we assess young scientists accord- ing to their willingness to take risks, ability to work as part of a diverse team, creativity in com- plex problem-solving, and work ethic? There may be other at- tributes like these that separate the superstars from the merely successful. It could be quite insightful to commis- sion a retrospective analysis of former awardees with some career track record since their awards, to improve our understanding of what constitutes good selection cri- teria. One could then ascertain whether those qualities were apparent in their backgrounds when they were can- didates for their awards. It is time to remedy a flawed bibliometric-based assessment for young scientists. After all, the future per- formance of a trillion-dollar enterprise is at stake. – Marcia McNutt
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:10:04 +0000

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