legitgov.org/#breaking_news Breaking: Gunman clad in full body - TopicsExpress


legitgov.org/#breaking_news Breaking: Gunman clad in full body armor opens fire in New Jersey mall --Multiple shots fired, active shooter in Garden State Plaza mall in Paramus, New Jersey: Bergen County Chief of Staff --Bergen County SWAT team has been deployed --Multiple shots heard inside Garden State Plaza Mall --Helicopter heard overhead --Allegedly one shooter was on scene --NJ State Police: Gunman was firing at security cameras at Garden State Plaza Mall --Lots of police on the scene 04 Nov 2013 [This story will be updated.] CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds --Doctors were asked to torture prisoners for intelligence gathering, and unethical practices continue, review concludes 03 Nov 2013 Doctors and psychologists working for the US military violated the ethical codes of their profession under instruction from the defence department and the CIA to become involved in the torture and degrading treatment of suspected terrorists, an investigation has concluded. The report of the Taskforce on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centres concludes that after 9/11, health professionals working with the military and intelligence services designed and participated in cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and torture of detainees. Medical professionals were in effect told that their ethical mantra first do no harm did not apply, because they were not treating people who were ill. The report lays blame primarily on the defence department (DoD) and the CIA, which required their healthcare staff to put aside any scruples in the interests of intelligence gathering and security practices that caused severe harm to detainees, from waterboarding to sleep deprivation and force-feeding. NSA, Homeland Security issue cease and desist letters to novelty store owner 03 Nov 2013 The National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security have issued cease and desist letters to a novelty store owner who sells products that poke fun at the federal government. Dan McCall, who lives in Minnesota and operates LibertyManiacs, sells T-shirts with the agency’s official seal that read: The NSA: The only part of government that actually listens, Judicial Watch first reported. Other parodies say, Spying on you since 1952, and Peeping while youre sleeping, the report said. Federal authorities claimed the parody images violate laws against the misuse, mutilation, alteration or impersonation of government seals, Judicial Watch reported. Julian Assange may get chance at Senate seat in Western Australia 04 Nov 2013 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange could make a second Senate bid at the Western Australian election, as the electoral commission declared a new result that looks likely to be appealed in the high court. The recount found that 1375 ballot papers had gone missing for the new count, which saw Greens senator Scott Ludlam and Sports party candidate Wayne Dropulich the winners of the final two seats. The high court, sitting as the court of disputed returns, could order a new election be held. Official: 3 In Custody After CCSU Lockdown; Police Seen Taking Away Man in Handcuffs 04 Nov 2013 Three people of interest were in custody after a report of a man with a gun put the Central Connecticut State University campus into a lockdown that spanned more than three hours Monday, a police official said. No shots were fired and no one was injured in the incident, which sparked a massive police response. The campus was essentially shut down; roads were blocked and classes were canceled. Things slowly began to return to normal after a man in an orange shirt and camouflage pants was seen being led away in handcuffs around 2:30 p.m. Heads up! The corporate-run media is silent; CLG is not. Tepco to conduct plutonium-infused fuel removal test at reactor 4 04 Nov 2013 The utility had intended to start removing the fuel rods from the units packed cooling pool as early as Friday. The test was requested by the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization. The government-affiliated agency called for an initial test that would include transporting a protective fuel cask from the No. 4 storage pool to another pool in a different building about 100 meters away, to provide more stable conditions for cooling spent fuel, the sources said. More than 1,300 spent fuel assemblies and more than 200 fresh ones, including some containing plutonium-infused mixed-oxide fuel, remain in the pool. NYU Student Hospitalized After Stuck Between Buildings for 2 Days 04 Nov 2013 A New York University student is recovering in the hospital today after being rescued from between two buildings where he may have been trapped for up to two days. Firefighters arrive shortly after 5 p.m. on Sunday and had to breach a concrete wall to get to 19-year-old Asher Vongtau who was wedged in a coffin-sized space between a 17-story NYU dormitory building and a parking garage in lower Manhattan. We had an unconscious male stuck in between two buildings, an FDNY spokesman told ABCNews. We had to breach a wall to gain access to get him out. We had him in serious condition and he was rushed to Bellevue Hospital. U.S. gay-rights bill clears Senate Republican hurdle; Boehner opposes measure 04 Nov 2013 A White House-backed bill to ban workplace discrimination against gays [the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013] narrowly cleared a Republican procedural roadblock in the U.S. Senate on Monday with the support of a handful of Republicans, just hours after the partys top lawmaker declared his opposition. On a vote of 61-30, one more than the needed 60, the Democratic-led Senate agreed to begin consideration of the bipartisan bill, with passage likely by the end of this week. Seven of the 45 Senate Republicans joined 52 Democrats and two independents in voting to move toward passage. All the no votes were cast by Republicans. Terry McAuliffe Leads in Final Virginia Governor Polls [Yeah, but the GOP will likely steal it via its massive voter purge, so no matter.] 04 Nov 2013 On the eve of Virginias election for governor, a handful of new surveys conducted over the weekend confirm the result shown by every public poll since July: Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe appears poised to defeat Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. If the polls prove to be collectively accurate, the only uncertainty appears to be the size of McAuliffes margin. A final poll from Quinnipiac University, conducted over the past week and released Monday, shows McAuliffe leading Cuccinelli by 6 percentage points, 46 percent to 40 percent, with libertarian Paul Sarvis at 8 percent. Similarly, a final automated telephone poll from the Democratic-affiliated firm Public Policy Polling (PPP), gives McAuliffe a 7-point lead (50 to 43 percent) but shows Sarvis winning just 4 percent of the vote.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 03:57:05 +0000

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