lemme compare PAKISTAN with rest of the world India, the Hindus - TopicsExpress


lemme compare PAKISTAN with rest of the world India, the Hindus wont like you, yes some major cities are a lil advanced like Calcutta and Bombay, but the rest of India is a mess, too much population and too much poor, worst than Somalia, and India is too dirty China, too much population, and everyones busy making money Japan, small country, too much population and everyone is busy and are like robots, no life !! Korea, they are the same, and they have disputes among themselves Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore etc all are abit same, and how would you recognize the people or how would you name them :P ,,, they are all the same Lets come downwards, NewZealand is a beautiful country, but small and is mainly separated by a large part of sea, anyway what would you do in a country which is at the end of the world Australia, big n nice country but too much racism Saudi Arabia, its best coz of Makkah n Medina, but their rulers are cowards other Arab countries, all are weak countries Army wise, and oil dependent, what will they do in 2040 if there will be not any more oil, they have no industries, all they do is import Africa, you know, too much heat and how poor they are, there is nothing as such there Now Europe, every country in Europe is smaller than Pakistan, OK you got everything there, but you can have that here too, and what would u do anyway in such a jam packed area, wont you suffocate :| Russia, they are maniacs, they suppress the Muslims and other minorities and they want to control each and everything, Communism :3 Central Asian Countries, some are big some are small, but economically not strong :/ this side of world is done now come to Americana North America, Canada, too cold, mixed people, ghost towns, everythings frozen and stucked USA, great country, everythings there, its big, but nowadays its getting a lil bad in there, they have ruined themselves in worthless wars Central America, Mexico, a normal country, its just ok South America, Brazil is strong and good, Argentina is OK, others are poor and PAKISTAN no doubt corrupt politicians (but thats because of us cox its we who vote) we are unfair, liars, corrupt, not-honest, weird, etc etc but thats because of us too (Islam is there why dont we follow it and why dont we get educated) power outages, explosions, fights over communities, religion, mismanagement etc all of them can be reformed automatically if the common person gets REFORMED and the good parts everythings here people have extra time (for you) :P bombastic 3 days weddings :D awesome Eid ;) Mountains, Deserts, Plains, Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, a lil dirty beach, every type of terrain is here different people different way of life in the same country more than 30 languages has too many resources (though we dont use them wisely) some industries beautiful people Muslim country, which was made on the name of religion Islam (another country is Israel which came into existence because of religion) Strong Army Nuclear power AUR TUM APNAY RAB KI KON KON SI NAEMATON KO JHUTLAO GEY ???
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:56:52 +0000

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