let her have the freedom of movement as you cherish for - TopicsExpress


let her have the freedom of movement as you cherish for yourself. begum khaleda zia has been incarcerated in her party office(as reported by all intl media in the same language) on the eve of the sad anniversary of the farcical election of 5th january,2014 which was boycotted by 90% people and awami leagues pretense to power is this sham election .it is only natural that people would continue their struggle for democratic rights and it is also natural that khaleda zia would give leadership to this struggle. what is unnatural ,is awami leagues strange and autocratic stance on the question of democratic governance. the people of bangladesh have had the taste of democracy since 1935,punctuated by periods of dictatorships of various colors and characters .but these black episodes have only heightened the consciousness of our people for democratic governance. our very liberation war and the emergence of independent bangladesh is to a great extent ,the result of our peoples aspiration for democracy . whole world is well acquainted with the spirit of Bangladesh people and has time and time again shown its appreciation and support for this. nature abhors vacuum .if peacefull means of protest is completely thwarted then other means of resisting and defeating the source of repression will come into play,not necessarily by peaceful and law abiding forces. Begum zia is not moving for grabbing power for herself but for holding a free and fair election in which awami league can also test its popularity if it has the moral courage to do so .meanwhile the big powers should do everything in their capacity for facilitating the holding of a free and fair election in bangladesh so that this country does not become another tinder box of unrest and the derailed democracy in bangladesh may again continue its journey along the path of peace and prosperity.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:53:13 +0000

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